Why It’s Great To Be Single

Why It’s Great To Be Single

Being single gets a bad rap.  We’re constantly on the hunt for “the one”, for love, for someone to share our lives with, for a partner to make all of our troubles a little less daunting.  If someone has been single for too long, we tend to pity them, to try and set them up on blind dates with our friends or acquaintances or that hot guy from the bar, and reassure them not to worry, their next true love can’t be far away. You might hear something along the lines of, “Oh, you and your guy broke up?  I’m so sorry! That sucks!  You must be heartbroken!  But don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find someone soon in no time!”

We’ve all heard that – the comfort, the hope and optimism that this state of being “single” will only be temporary, a short-term wrongness that will be set right in the end.But what’s up with that?  What’s wrong with being without a significant other?  Being in a relationship isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be, and what’s more, there are actually tons of advantages and benefits to being on your own!

1. You have more free time for yourself.

When you’re in a relationship, often times it becomes easy to prioritize your partner or significant other over everything else – including yourself.  You schedule everything around when you and your partner can see each other, you decide activities based on what your partner may want to do, and oftentimes think of yourself as part of a unit rather than as an individual with individual wants, needs, and personality.

However, when you are single, you aren’t obligated to any of this anymore.  You can freely go out and enjoy life as you want to – visit your other friends, nourish your platonic and familial relationships, and pursue the activities and interests that appeal to you.  Maybe you always wanted to learn to play drums, but didn’t want to annoy your partner with your noisy practice.  Or you’ve always wanted to try that new niche restaurant down the street, but your partner wasn’t interested in that kind of food at all.  As a single person, your only limit is yourself – as life should be.  By focusing on yourself, you can grow more as an individual and discover more of yourself than you generally can when you are in a relationship and tie in that way to another person.

2. You save money.

This may seem obvious, but it’s true.  When you are in a relationship, to keep things fun and exciting, there is always a pressure or a need to go out and do new things, eat out at nicer restaurants, and pay for all that extra gas mileage that comes along with taking trips together, traveling far, or driving just to see your significant other.

However, when you are single, you don’t need to go out or pay for anyone other than yourself!  You’ll have less pressure to go out and eat and have more freedom to just stay in and cook for yourself, saving both time and money.  Additionally, if you’ve found yourself often footing the bill for both yourself and your partner, as this can be the case for many guys dating a woman, then eliminating a whole other person from the budget saves untold amounts of money – money that can be either save or spent on something else that you would rather have or do.

 3. You get the bed all to yourself.

Have you ever fallen asleep in your partner’s arms, only to wake up in the middle of the night with their knee or elbow uncomfortably jabbing into your back, or with the blankets completely hogged up, leaving you freezing cold?  Sure, it’s nice to have someone to cuddle, but in the long run, how comfortable are you, really? And if you’re the big spoon doesn’t your arm gets numb after 20 minutes because your partner found a comfortable spot and doesn’t want to move so your circulation is cut off.

When you’re on your own that doesn’t happen, there is nobody to snore in your ear all night long; nobody to twitch randomly throughout the night, jolting you awake; nobody whose long hair somehow finds its way into your mouth, your nose, your eyes, your face; and above all, nobody who sleeps spread-eagle and pushes you into that small, desolate, lumpy corner of your bed where you can hardly find enough space to breathe without falling off the edge of the mattress.  You can sleep in as late as you want, without your partner waking you up early as they get ready for work or school; you can go to bed as late as you want, without worrying about keeping another person awake as they try to sleep early.  You can finally get your beauty sleep, as your body needs.

4. Being single pushes you out of your comfort zone.

When you are in a long-term relationship, it’s easy to fall into a repetitive, safe pattern or routine.  Familiar with what you already know, many people in relationships find themselves losing their spark for adventure, their willingness to go out into the world to try new things, meet new people, and experience new perspectives.  However, when you don’t have anything familiar or any kind of safety blanket to fall back on or hold on to, being single forces you in a way to be adventurous.

Rather than having one person be your sole source of inspiration, laughs, and daily stimulation, you must venture out of the ordinary to find those same experiences.  Instead of being content to simply get by or fall in a repetitive routine day by day, when you find yourself alone or bored, you have no choice but to go out into the world and find new ways to keep yourself occupied and your mind and soul fulfilled.

5. Any messes or responsibilities in your life are your own.

This goes for both actual literal messes as well as emotional ones.  The dirty dishes in your sink are definitely all yours – you won’t be affecting anybody else’s life or daily routine when you finally decide to (or not to) do them.  You won’t have to empty your trash cans constantly because your boyfriend has a serious allergy problem and goes through four boxes of tissue paper a day, and you won’t have to be constantly vacuuming up your girlfriend’s loose hairs because she sheds more than a Husky during the summertime. It’s just you and your own messes (or lack thereof), making your easy.  You won’t be staying up late when you should be sleeping because your partner had a bad day, and you won’t be dealing with anyone else’s family problems except your own. See does that not sound great?


So now looking back, do you think it’s great to be single? We don’t have to all rush things in life to find our soul mate or get into a relationship ASAP. It’s totally normal just be chilling by yourself. You’ll have freedom. Plus, the time and money saved to actually gain new experiences and do the things you want. Just think about it. You get double the fun and you can do things two times if you want to because you don’t have to pay for your partner. Haha #singlelife And as always, love yourself!

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