Now, remember a while back, when I had a couple of female friends to help me out to do a social experiment. Now they all have boyfriends and don’t have time for me, but I’m sure one of them will come around, *cough Bernadette. I’ll give it a year. But anyway, during that time, I did ask them a few questions regarding what girls find attractive in guys. After talking and collecting my data, I’ve compiled 10 things that girls find attractive in guys. Now, I know my sample size isn’t in the thousands, and some girls might get triggered because they’ll find some things on here that might be unattractive, but hey, I do give an explanation as to why. So, don’t shoot the messenger.
1. Confidence.
Everyone will notice a little bit of confidence. Let me repeat; a LITTLE bit of confidence. Confidence is something that most people aren’t born with. Luckily for that group, confidence can be gained over time. Notice I didn’t say to have or show a lot of confidence. For example, a little bit of whipped cream is usually perfect to top off a dessert. A little bit of cologne lasts all day. And a little bit of risk usually brings its reward. A little bit goes a long way. On the other hand, a truckload of whipped cream, cologne, or risk could literally kill you. See the difference? Same goes for confidence. Too much confidence could lead to cockiness, and that’ll just bring down a guy’s attractiveness.
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2. Empathy.
Empathy is being able to understand and relate to other peoples’ feelings. This trait has always been important, but nowadays society is realizing just how important it is for success. Some girls are generally more in tune with their emotions, so finding a guy who shares this element is a huge wow factor. Some girls are attracted to empathy because it shows emotional maturity, regulation, and stability. Who would want a self-centered guy who can’t be bothered to hear the other perspective? No one, right?
3. Ambition.
Contrary to the famous song, girls want more than just to have fun. They would also want to crush goals, make progress, and forge a positive life moving forward. Do you think it’s attractive if a guy just sits around all day playing video games? No way, well, unless the girl loves playing video games as well, or the guy has a plan to be a pro gamer. Then that’ll be a different story. But if a guy is just a lazy bum, with nothing planned ahead, that’s not attractive. Having ambition is key because ambition shows that you’re a guy who knows what he wants and goes for it. Ambitious guys have perseverance, which is a huge plus not only at their workplace but for any committed relationship they get into.
4. A warm smile.
Studies have shown over and over again that people who smile are perceived as more confident and attractive compared to those that don’t. By smiling, it’s signaling openness as well. Plus, some girls would like to hang around with more happy guys than a guy who’s always frowning and grumpy. But if the smiles come off as too fake or creepy, like the eyes are wide open and it feels like they are staring into their soul, then that’s just a turn-off. So yeah, a warm smile is attractive because I’ve never seen someone getting married not smiling.
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5. Dedication.
Dedicating your time to something is hard, and that’s why some girls find this lowkey attractive because it shows that you have the capacity to potentially be dedicated to her. Loyalty bonds with this trait, and you can’t have a healthy relationship without it. Guys don’t have to dedicate their time to something crazy like trying to be a doctor or anything, they just need to show that they are a dedicated person in general. It’s almost like being ambitious but now they are devoted.
6. A sense of protection.
Some girls are independent now and don’t really need a guy. But they still appreciate a sense of strength and protection from the guy. Like you don’t need to eat the chocolate cake, but you want to eat it. You see my point? The guy is seen as more attractive if the girl senses that they could and would stick up for them if they can. A girl in any relationship will want someone by her side, and by displaying his protective factor, he’s showing that he’s there for her through thick and thin.
7. Intelligence.
Well if the guy can hold a conversation together and talk, that’s already a good start. Now they don’t have to be a supercomputer, I’m not saying that. But if they are able to reason and use logic, that’s pretty hot already. Some girls like an intelligent guy because if a girl ever needs help on homework or work, she can ask him. Haha, I’m kidding. Sort of.
Related: 15 Signs of an intelligent person
8. Validation.
Feeling validated is the first step towards healthy communication. A guy who says, “uh-huh’s” and shrugs his way past conversation is not cute. Guys can and should be sensitive at the right times not only to attract girls but to better themselves! And when a girl sees and feels that a guy is supportive, and respects her, she’ll want to naturally be with the guy because why would a girl want to be with someone who will always talk down to her?
9. A good listener.
There’s nothing quite as annoying as repeating yourself over and over. If a guy is always asking a girl to repeat herself or not pay attention, she’ll lose interest really quickly. But if a guy is actually attentive and listens to her just gossip away or vent, that’s on a whole new level of attraction because you can’t be attractive when you’re not there, right?
10. A sense of humor.
There are times to be serious and there are times to laugh. When a guy has a good sense of humor, it naturally attracts others to them, girls included. Now again, humor is subjective. I’m sure there are girls who don’t like a particular humor and some that like all kinds of humor. But at the end of the day, if a guy can make a girl laugh, then he’s already a quarter of the way to her heart. The rest is basically just food.
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Overall, if you’re a guy watching this. You probably will have a better chance of getting yourself notice and being more attractive towards the girl that you like, just by implementing these things. And if you’re a girl reading this, let me know what I miss and what you don’t like on this list. So there you have it 10 things on what girls find attractive in guys.