What Does It Mean When You Dream of Your Crush?

Dreaming about your crush could wake you up and leave you feeling some type of way, but do these dreams have any real significance? If so, what are they hinting at? What does it mean when you dream of your crush? Here are eight different meanings you may pull from your dream mind.

1. It reflects your desires or wishes.

Dreaming of your crush usually points to unfulfilled desires or wishes. They are your crush, after all. This is especially true if you dream about dating them, falling in love, kissing them for the first time, or any other romantic and positive occurrence.

Imagine that Dan dreams he’s finally on a date with Sara, his long-time crush. They’re at a restaurant and everything is going wonderfully. The food is good, the conversation seems good, and Sara is definitely enjoying the moment just as much as he is. Maybe he even gets to kiss her at the end of the night. Dan’s subconscious mind is using the dream realm as a canvas to paint the picture of his romantic dream life. It likely combines conscious and unconscious desires to paint one beautiful picture that will wake Dan up smiling.

You can easily pinpoint this meaning if your dream was realistic and positive. When Dan’s dream takes a dark turn and the date becomes a black hole and Sara becomes his great-aunt Diana, it’s no longer a picture of his desires. If your dream starts to incorporate weirder environments, crazy circumstances, or even negative events, then your dream likely means something different. Then, let’s move on to number two to find your true dream interpretation.

2. It uncovers unresolved feelings.

Dreams about your crush could also bring to light unresolved feelings that you may have for them. Unexpressed emotions in waking life are often reflected in dreams, especially when those feelings are negative or anxiety-producing, like being jealous, mistrusting, worried, or upset. These feelings may manifest in dreams as a way for your mind to process and explore them in a safe space. For example, if Dan has felt ignored or even bothered by Sara’s behavior lately, he may dream that she belittles him or ignores him in a crowded room.

If this happened in your dream with your crush, pay special attention to the emotions that came up in your dream and consider whether they reflect any lingering emotions you have in your waking life. It’s important to trust our intuition and learn from it. We even have another video on whether or not you can sense when someone likes you – check it out!

3. It has symbolic representation.

Symbolic representation means that your dream symbolizes qualities or attributes that you either need or hate in a romantic partner. Let’s say Sara is very caring and sweet. Dan may dream that she cares for him or a third party, warming his heart as he sees her worry about others before herself. This symbolizes a value that Dan prioritizes and wants his future partner to share.

On the other hand, Dan could also dream that Sara is suddenly cold and callous. This could be because she truly is this way in real life or because he fears dating someone with such a negative attribute. Reflect on what qualities jumped out at you in the dream, analyze if your crush has that attribute, and decide if it’s something you desire or want to avoid.

By the way, I recently had a dream that you – yes, you! – liked this video and subscribed to my channel. Could you help make my dream come true? You’re the best if you do!

4. It holds emotional significance.

Dreaming about someone, crush or not, could have way more emotional significance beyond attraction. Your crush in the dream may represent an emotional connection or even admiration you have for them in your waking life. It’s about way more than just who is the most good-looking guy or girl in the room. Dreams about romantic partners are often centered on behavior more than appearance. Think of a few dreams you can remember recently. Even if your crush was beautiful in it, what did they say or do? Chances are that that affected the dream’s plot way more than what they were wearing.

Identifying the emotional significance of your dream could point to a desire for a close friendship or emotional intimacy with this person that goes beyond the physical. If Dan dreamt about a beautiful Sara, yet Sara was telling more jokes than a comedian and making Dan laugh the entire dream, the true significance could be in how Sara’s humor brings light and joy to Dan’s life, not just her beauty.

5. It reflects your current relationship status.

Whether you’re single or dating someone and crushing on someone else – shush… I won’t tell – dreams about your crush could also reflect a conflict or alignment with your relationship status. I’ll get personal on this one. I am dating my boyfriend and love him very much. Last week, however, I binge-watched an old show and watched a few hours that included a very good-looking actor my age. In the TV show, he was the typical bad boy. Lo and behold when I had a dream one night that I met the actor – or should I say his character – in real life, and he pulled out his bad-boy card and kissed me. In the dream, I was aware that I still had my boyfriend, and I felt horrible afterward. I even felt horrible when I woke up! I didn’t tell my boyfriend, because I just attributed it to a stupid Hollywood crush that entered my subconscious, but the dream was a pure reflection of my current relationship status and my intrigue with bad boys – even though I surely do know better in real life.

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6. It may manifest your anxieties or insecurities.

Anxieties and insecurities are way more pronounced now than ever before. With social media and current mental health trends, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole of worry and insecurities, especially if you’re under thirty. Dreams could easily reveal underlying fears of rejection, inadequacy, or uncertainty about the future of a relationship. For example, Dan may have some baggage with an ex who ended up leaving him for another dude. Then, Dan dreams that Sara tells him to move on because she’s into his best friend. It’s natural for dreams to tap into our deepest fears and vulnerabilities, so take note of any anxieties you experience during the dream and explore how they relate to your waking life.

7. It could help you process recent events.

Another one of the most common reasons you’ll dream with your crush is because your mind is processing recent events and experiences. This will be apparent if you’ve recently interacted with your crush or had significant thoughts or emotions related to them. These dreams can provide an opportunity for you to reflect on and integrate these interactions into your day-to-day. If Dan dreams of finally telling Sara he likes her, this could be something he’s contemplating doing soon. Or, he may dream that they start hanging out with her more often they hang out in a group together for the first time.

8. It may mean nothing at all.

It’s essential to remember that sometimes, dreams don’t mean anything at all. I once had a dream that my crush passed by me in the hallway and smiled. I smiled back and then went into class, which became my childhood home, which then became Disney World. The dream was funny and weird and made absolutely no sense. Could I have sat there and analyzed it until the day’s end? Sure. Would it have been any help for my daily waking life? Probably not. Know when to let go and when a dream is worth remembering. The true focus should be on your waking life and what you plan to do about your crush moving forward.

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There are countless meanings and interpretations for dreaming with your crush. In most cases, you can use a dream to uncover real-life emotions, desires, or fears and work with those to improve moving forward. Use them as an opportunity for reflection, but if they are too crazy or nonsensical, don’t be afraid to just chuckle at them and let them go. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve had lately? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

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