What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone Constantly?

If you’re always dreaming that you have superpowers, then that’s awesome. But if you constantly dream about ghosts and scary stuff, then that sucks. Dreaming about that same person over and over again? Well, that’s a whole other ball game. What does it mean when you dream about someone constantly? It could range from feelings of intimacy to dealing with any issue you have while you’re awake. So, to go more in-depth, let’s break down 7 reasons why you may be constantly dreaming about that specific person.

1. You love/miss them.

One of the most common reasons you may be constantly dreaming about someone is because you love or miss them. Feelings of love have been shown to light the same parts of the brain on an MRI as addictive drugs, so it shouldn’t be a big surprise that a person you love could infiltrate your dreams. When I say love, this could be romantic or just a strong bond you have with someone. One example would be dreaming of your boyfriend or girlfriend multiple nights in a row. Or, non-romantically, you might be dreaming about one of your best friends or even a family member. You might have seen this person recently or not for a long time, but the point is you love them as a human and you miss hanging out with them.

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2. You’re working through a problem with them.

Initial dream analysis was first documented by a psychologist named Sigmund Freud. If you’ve ever taken a psychology class, you’re definitely familiar with this guy. He believed that many dreams represent unconscious thoughts and motivations, often fueled by aggression. You may not be the raging Hulk that Freud thought you were, but if you and this person have been dealing with some sort of problems lately and they’re showing up in your dreams, Freud might have been on to something. What unconscious and aggressive thoughts could you be hiding?

3. You’re identifying with them.

Another reason you might be dreaming about someone is that you identify with some part of them or their life. If the person is completely different than you, your dream may be exploring your interest in things that go against the expected. Or, if they’re someone you look up to, you may be dreaming about them as a way to connect with the part of them or their life that you’re jealous of. Even if that person is going through a struggle, your dream may be a sign that you are going through a similar event. You may not be conscious of identifying with them while you’re awake, but, during our unconsciousness, connections can be made that we otherwise wouldn’t know about.

4. You’re grieving.

When we are grieving someone, they will likely show up in our dreams. While grieving is usually associated with someone dying, it could also be grief expressed for someone who isn’t in your life anymore. Breaking up a romantic relationship is a strong example of feeling grief for someone who is still alive. Psychologically speaking, humans go through 5 stages of grief before beginning to move on from the loss. These stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. If you’re constantly dreaming about someone you have lost, it may be worth asking yourself if you’re in one of the first four stages of grief. If you can pinpoint where you are, you may be able to work on moving to the next stage to hopefully reduce or eliminate your repetitive dreams altogether.

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5. You need something they remind you of.

Going back to dream-expert Freud, his theory of dreams also suggested that dreams represent unconscious desires, wish fulfillment, and motivations. Wish fulfillment is the idea that when our desires aren’t fulfilled while we’re awake, they are carried out in our dreams. This is what people mean when they say, “In your dreams!” Wish fulfillment doesn’t have to be positive, though, it could even be true if your dream is anxiety-provoking or generally negative. The thing about dream theories is that they are almost impossible to prove scientifically, but it doesn’t seem like a far stretch to say that we may dream about things we wish would happen, to some degree.

6. It’s symbolizing your waking thoughts.

Have you ever had a dream about something you saw or talked about right before bed? Dreams often form as a result of what we think or thought about during that day. First, we see or hear something, then we register it as a thought in our mind. It soon becomes a short-term memory, which can affect what we dream about that night. If you guys remember reason number one, we talked about dreaming about someone that you love or miss. Chances are, you’re thinking about that person throughout the day, so it’s no big surprise that those thoughts also end up impacting your unconscious dreams.

7. You have strong feelings about that person.

Researchers have discovered that there is a greater probability that your negative emotions during waking hours will manifest in your dreams. Out of all of your intense feelings, the worst ones are more likely to show up while you’re sleeping. This means that if you are hating on someone, can’t stand them, or if they make you miserable, they’re more likely to show up in your dreams than your friendly neighbor who always makes you smile. It kind of sucks that our brain is hitting us with that, doesn’t it? But these bad dreams can go away if you change your mindset and focus on things that are more positive. Like those strong feelings you have for your crush. Maybe that’s why you’re always dreaming about your crush.

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Overall, dreams come and go and it’s extremely hard to pinpoint what your next dream will be. But there’s a good chance that if you have your mind on something or someone all the time, it might show up in your dreams. And as for that person you’re dreaming about over and over again, it probably falls under one of the reasons. Hopefully, this helped answer your questions on “what does it mean when you dream about someone constantly?”

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