Toxic Relationship Quiz

If good relationships are the sunshine of life, toxic relationships are definitely the manure. Manure is gross. It smells, it makes people want to walk away, and it’s ugly. Once it’s gone, into the ground, it does produce beauty and peace in the form of plants. That’s a toxic relationship. It will disgust you and make you want to run for the hills – which you should – and once you’re far from it, you’ll realize how much more peace and happiness your life has. Sadly enough, some people stay in toxic relationships way longer than they planned to, later regretting years they wasted as a friend or partner to someone who treated them like poo. If you’re reading this, then you may be trying to decide if it’s your turn to run away from the manure. Take this 30-question Toxic Relationship Quiz to find out now! No strings attached. You’ll get the results at the end.

1. Do they ditch your plans?

2. Do they bring up your past mistakes?

3. Do they gaslight you? (saying you make things up)

4. Do they constantly block and unblock you?

5. Are they inconsiderate of your feelings?

6. Do they insult you?

7. Do they talk about you behind your back?

8. Do they lie?

9. Do they make plans without you?

10. Are they selfish?

11. Do they judge you?

12. Do they offer insincere apologies?

13. Do they hide things from you?

14. Do they ignore (or “forget”) things you say?

15. Are they close-minded/stubborn?

16. Do they tell you you’re overreacting or acting crazy?

17. Do they look for validation in others?

18. Do they act entitled?

19. Are they over-jealous?

20. Do they blame others for their problems?

21. Do they hold a grudge?

22. Do others warn you to be careful around them?

23. Do they compare you to others?

24. Do they have negative self-talk?

25. Do they take things personally?

26. Do they leave you hanging mid-conversation?

27. Do they stalk your social media?

28. Are they manipulative?

29. Do they make you feel guilty?

30. Do they bring you down?

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