Signs Your Best Friend Likes You

Best friends are the people you’d call if you suddenly received awesome news… or if you had a hypothetical body to get rid of. These friends are your ride or die, bestie, your OG homies. Sometimes your best friend is your soulmate in a BFF way, but other times your best friend could end up being your soulmate in a fall-in-love-and-get-married kind of way. I mean, that is why most couples call their partners their “best friend” on all their lovey Instagram captions, isn’t it? You might be catching the butterflies for your best friend or you’re suspicious that they’ve got them for you. Whichever the case, here are 8 signs your best friend likes you and you probably couldn’t tell until now.

1. They offer to pay for you.

While casual best friends might split the bill or take turns covering the check, a best friend who likes you will grab the reigns on paying for stuff. Whether you’re getting coffee, buying snacks, or getting tickets to a movie or event, you’ll notice that they say they’ve got you covered. Once is kind of nice, twice is going out of their way, but three or more times says something is up and I wish I have a best friend like that. Anyway, this is one of the strong signs that your best friend likes you.

Check out: How to tell if your best friend has feelings for you

2. They let you borrow their stuff.

A best friend is open to borrowing from and lending you items, but they will eventually return your stuff and ask for theirs back. But a best friend who has feelings for you will never ask for their stuff back because it makes them happy that you’re enjoying their things. If what’s yours is mine, maybe they’re hoping to trade you their hoodie for your heart… who knows.

3. They always follow up with you.

Normally an average person has 27 conversations per day that last 10 minutes or more. This doesn’t count all of those smaller interactions you may have at the store, online, or with a teacher or coworker. What 27 conversations did you have yesterday? Don’t remember? Didn’t think so, because I don’t either. You will remember conversations you’ve had with a crush, though, which is why your best friend may be so good at following up with you about previous things you’ve talked about. They might ask you about how you’re doing on an old project, whether you’ve reached that goal you mentioned a while back, or if your opinions have changed since your last conversation.

4. They’re always available when you need them.

Rain or snow, wind or hail, this person will be at your door when you need them… and, no, I am not talking about the mailman or your mom. Best friends are dependable, but they also have lives and responsibilities. People who are trying to make their way into relationship territory, though, have a lot more to prove. They are willing to drop everything to help you both improve your situation and to show you how much they care about you.

Check out: What to do when you fall in love with your best friend

5. They compliment you when there’s nothing to compliment.

Complimenting celebrities on the red carpet is easy. Complimenting someone out on a Saturday night is usually easy too – unless you’re not going out. A sign your best friend likes you is when they compliment you even when you look like a dirty sack of potatoes. I’m talking, straight out of bed, unbrushed hair, zero effort. They said you look good? Either they’re blind as a bat or they’re wearing rose-colored love glasses. When you’re not looking your best and you get a compliment, then they definitely like you.

6. They are always cheerful and happy around you.

When you like someone, your brain activates similarly as it does to drugs. Yep, you heard me right. All the feel-good happy chemicals appear when you start to develop romantic feelings for someone, which is one reason the beginning of relationships is so emotionally intense. This means your friend could be having the worst day ever, but the moment they see you it’s all smiles and cheer. To put it weirdly, you are their drug of choice. Did they just get fired or fail a test, yet they see you and look like they won the lottery? If that’s the case, they like you.

7. They know a lot about you.

This sign is tricky because all best friends are supposed to know a lot about you; however, a best friend who likes you knows more of the finite details. I’m not just talking about your favorite color or the food you hate. I’m talking about your biggest dreams, fears, past traumas, strange habits, and darkest secrets. This is the next level of sharing that steps into romance. You may not have noticed it before, but this friend has been trying to get to know you on a much more intimate level.

8. They give you so much attention that other people notice.

Being close with your best friend is what makes you both best friends, but even that has a line. Maybe your best friend is not only always around, but their focus is always on you. They’re constantly making sure you’re ok or trying to make you laugh or compliment you. If you’ve gotten comments from family members or other friends about how much attention your best friend is giving you, then it’s time to question if they actually like you. And if family members and friends are teasing, then your best friend probably does like you. And this is one of the strongest signs to tell if your best friend likes you.

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Overall, if you actually take the time to look deeply into this, and you notice that your best friend caters a lot to you meaning that they don’t even try to compromise, they just go with whatever you say, then that’s a sign that they like you. And of course, if you get a majority of these signs, here, then there’s a good chance they like you. So there you have it 8 signs your best friend likes you.

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