Signs A Shy Guy Likes You

15 Signs A Shy Guy Likes You

What we don’t know is that shy people are very secretive and it can take a long time to read them. They are usually self-conscious and may exhibit odd behaviors. Because of that, they may show some pronounce characteristics that are not hard to spot. There’s also different levels of shyness from shy guys who can’t even look you in the eyes to shy guys who will go out of his comfort zone to get your attention. Shy guys can also be stubborn at times and if you like him, give him some signs that you’re interested. With that being said, here are 15 signs a shy guy likes you.

1. He acts differently towards you

You will get to notice that when he is around you, he tends to treat you differently than when he’s around with other girls. This shows that you are special to him and he is interested in you. In addition, you will find that he is always there for you and does not say no to your favors. Most guys and especially shy ones will not go out of their way just for a girl. To a shy guy, treating you differently is his way of getting your attention and probably make you like him too.

Check out: How do shy guys act when they like you

2. He steals glances at you

Have you ever been around this person who is constantly staring at you when you are not looking? This is probably a shy guy who likes you but simply doesn’t know how to face you. Introverts find it hard interacting with people. This is even more difficult for a shy guy when it comes to talk to a girl he likes. This is why he prefers to just admire you from a distance and when you are not looking. He is just afraid of how you might react in case he revealed to you his feelings. Therefore, if you catch a shy guy always stealing glances at you and then he turns away, that may be a good sign he is interested in you.

3. He seems nervous and clumsy around you

One funny thing about shy guys, is that they get really awkward when the girl they like is around. For instance, when you ask him something or simply talk to him, he may stumble over his words or can’t seem to put words together. You will notice there is a difference and something odd about him. Overall, he is just nervous and can’t think straight because his mind is overloaded by your presence. It’s a good sign that he has a crush on you.

4. He talks to you a lot online

This is probably another major characteristic of most shy guys. He may never really talk much when it’s a face to face conversation. However, when it comes to social media or texting, he is more talkative than you ever imagined. This is because it’s only by text messages that a shy guy is able to open up and interact with confidence. Here he can talk to you for hours since he doesn’t have to feel nervous or shy. This is why most shy guys love social media or sending text messages. It’s the perfect way to talk to a girl without messing up or going through awkward moments. That one of the signs that a shy guy likes you.

Check out: How to know if a guy likes you through texting 

5. He seems annoyed when you talk to other guys

Introverts are quite good when it comes to hiding their feelings. However, a huge sign that he likes you is when you notice he gets annoyed whenever you act friendly with other guys. This in most cases is never in bad faith, he is just a bit jealous that someone else other than him gets your attention. If you are special to him, it is normal that he will feel that way.

If you’re interested check out: 10 signs a guy is jealous and likes you

6. He opens up to you

It is not easy for someone who is generally shy to open up to other people. They are usually in their own comfort zone and like keeping things to themselves. They rarely talk about their personal lives. Therefore, if you realize a guy who is reserved and shares some of his personal stories and issues with you, he probably likes you. Since he likes you, he is able to comfortably trust you with his secrets. He may even come to you for advice on some of the problems he is dealing with.

7. He stands up for you

As I said earlier, shy guy has their own comfort zone and they never like attracting attention. They like living a low-key kind of life. That is just how they are. However, when a reserved guy stands up to actually defend you, then there is no doubt this is a sign he wants to protect you. It may not be easy for him but all the same he is willing to pick up the mantle just for you. He’s probably trying to prove to you that he will support and be there for you.

8. He rarely disagrees with your opinions or decisions

An introverted guy who is interested in you, will more likely to agree with the things you say. He likes you and definitely wants you to pay attention to him. Perhaps he is trying to impress you by being on your side. He may also start showing interests in the things you like doing. If you are the type of a person who likes going out with friends and he actually gathers the courage to go with the group, then it’s a sign. A shy person will not easily leave his comfort zone to go hang out with people. Therefore, when he takes this step that’s a huge sacrifice on his part just for you.

9. His friends tease him when you are there

You may not notice right away that he has a crush on you but his friends will be the first to see it. Besides, since he is more open with friends, there is a good chance he has told them how he feels about you. Since they know, they may tend to tease him or act weird when you’re around. This shows that he likes you enough to tell his friends about you. He is just too shy to face you or lacks the confidence to express his interest towards you.

Check out: How to talk to your crush instantly

10. He says dumb things at times

It is perhaps the confusion and that feeling of being nervous that sweeps over a shy guy that makes him saying some really dumb things. However, you shouldn’t take this against him. The best thing to do is to just laugh it off and be able to understand him. For instance, you may be having a conversation with him about something he doesn’t quite have the knowledge about. But since he wants to make an effort, he ends up saying things that are incorrect or simply makes no sense. This is not his fault though, he simply wants to impress you.

11. Pay attention to his body language

There are lots of things that you can tell from simply observing someone’s body language. One thing is when you are having a face to face conversation, he can’t keep eye contact with you. He would rather look anywhere else but your eyes. Also, he may have a hard time staying still. You will notice that he keeps fidgeting and even fumble his words when talking to you. With all these signs you should be able to get a hint of what is going through his mind.

If you’re interested, check out: Top 10 signs he secretly likes you with body language 

12. He remembers the little details

A shy guy will pay close attention to every little thing they know about you, even those that seem irrelevant. It is his way of making you feel special and that he cares. If there is something you hate, he will remember and totally avoid it. Later on, he can use it to his advantage to impress you. Just a side note, shy guys can be really good listeners. That one of the good signs that a shy guy likes you.

13. He never makes a move even though he likes you

Every shy guy dreads being rejected. That is why he may be showing you all the signs that he is interested in you but never makes a move. He doesn’t know how you will react and is afraid you will judge him or tell him you don’t feel the same way. He will prefer to wait for you to make the first step. If you think he likes you but lacks the confidence to tell you, then maybe you can make the move if you feel the same way. I know this can be hard for you too and I don’t see that there’s any other ways to make it right.

14. He tries to befriend your friends

If he likes you, he will probably want to earn the trust of your friends too. He wants to prove to you that he can get along with them so that hopefully you can pay attention to him. Most shy guys have a difficult time making friends. So, the fact that he is making the effort to even talk to your friends goes a long way to prove he has a crush on you.

15. Most of the time he’s there for you

If he knows there’s something up with you, he might try to reach out and comfort you. For instance, if your computer has a problem and you have a report due the next day, no question asked, he will show up. He will be more than happy to give you a helping hand because he likes you.

Know more about: Dating a shy guy

Sometimes a guy who can sweep you off of your feet and talk about his true feelings and that could be every girl’s dream. However, it is unfortunate that some guys cannot tell you face to face and talk about their feelings with you. The best thing is that if you feel the same for them, you can approach him first. Nowadays we believe in equality, right? So, don’t let a potential one just slip away. There you have it 15 signs a shy guy likes you

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