Should I Break Up with My Boyfriend Quiz

1. Do you feel that he could be disloyal?

2. Does he ditch you?

3. Are his friends’ bad influences?

4. Is he only affectionate in private?

5. Does he criticize you?

6. Does he talk with a lot of girls?

7. Does he talk over you?

8. Does he promote destructive behavior?

9. Does he always try to be better than you?

10. Do you catch him in lies?

11. Would you rather cuddle with your pillow (or anything else) than with him?

12. Does he blame you for his mistakes?

13. Does he avoid you if you’re upset?

14. Does he dismiss your dreams/aspirations?

15. Do you end up apologizing, even when the argument was about something he did?

16. Does he hide things from you?

17. Are your friends encouraging you to end the relationship?

18. Does he ignore things that are important to you?

19. Does he talk about his future independently, without mentioning you?

20. Do you feel down or angry most of the times you’re around him?

21. Does he keep you away from your friends?

22. Does he guilt-trip you to get his way?

23. Do you feel stuck with him?

24. Do your arguments become screaming matches?

25. Are you constantly hoping he will change?

26. Do your future plans not align?

27. Are you unhappy in your relationship?

28. Do you doubt your boyfriend?

29. Do you wonder what else is out there?

30. Are there more pros than cons to ending your relationship?

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