How to Let Him Know You’re Interested

Alright ladies, it’s time to work your magic. You’re into this fellow and need him to know. After all, nothing can happen if he knows nothing! We’ve put together some discreet and other not-so-discreet ways to get your point across. No matter what your personality style, this video will teach you how to let him know you’re interested!

1. Start smiling at him whenever you’re around each other.

We’ll start off with the most discreet method to let him know you’re interested and make our way into the moves for the gutsier ladies down the line. To start off, you’ll need to make him notice you and how he makes you feel. The easiest way? Why, with your beautiful pearly whites of course! Next time you’re in a room together or in a group, take a moment to look his way. When he notices – which any normal man would eventually – throw him a little smile his way and then look away. The goal would be for him to smile back, but if he’s shy don’t be offended if he notices your smile and looks away. You just look back at your friends and keep being you. He’ll process your smile as interest – trust me.

Check out: How to know a girl is interested in you

2. Add him on social media and like his posts.

Ah, the tried and truest way to show someone you’re interested in them. It’s almost like dogs sniffing each other’s butts to see if one likes the other. Crude, sure, but accurate. Instead, we humans like each other’s posts to see if the other person will speak to them or like their posts back. How advanced are we, huh? Ok, ok, all jokes aside, this does let him know you’re interested. Follow him on IG or TikTok and give a post or two a like. Make sure it isn’t just the latest one – go back a post or two so he knows you were doing a little IG browsing because he sparks your interest.

Speaking of followers, if you haven’t subscribed already, please do so to show this channel your support! You know I appreciate you.

3. Share a snack with him – at the right time, of course.

If you’re somewhere where food is involved, offer your snack to your crush if appropriate. If you’re in the middle of a work meeting and you’re eating yogurt, this would not be appropriate. This would be weird. Read the room. But if you’re at a potluck and you made one of the dishes, you could go over and tell him he has to try your so-and-so to let you know what he thinks. Or, alternatively, if you’re somewhere where snacks are allowed and you’re munching and he isn’t, kindly offer him some of your snacks to open the door to conversation. The key here is to talk with him about something else after the snack – it’s a two-part process.

4. Invite him to a group hangout.

Asking a guy out is intimidating, but asking a guy if he wants to hang with some friends is easy-peasy in comparison. In fact, I am planning on using this strategy myself in the coming weeks. I have recently re-entered the dating world – half boo-hoo and half exciting, I’ll be honest – and there is one guy I have a big fat secret crush on. Now, I am a pretty extroverted gal. I usually have no problem telling a guy I’m interested in an obvious way, but this guy, Brandon, is different. He’s a nice guy and he’s a bit quieter, so I think discretion would be the way to go. So, I’m getting a group of friends together to go paintballing – a very man-friendly activity. He knows some of the people so I will extend the invite to try and spend some more time together to see if my flirty vibes pass his friend-zone walls. Wish me luck.

5. Tease him and start an inside joke whenever you chat.

This is a golden skill to break the ice with anyone you like. I’ve used this twice this year. It’s a bit embarrassing, but I’ll share. I met a guy, had a little interest, saw him again, and he didn’t remember my name. Ouch. It stings, but my secret is to not take it personally. We meet a lot of people in our lives. What I do is make it a joke. I gasp and act as if I’m appalled that they wouldn’t remember my name – in a joking way, of course. Usually, guys will play along. Then, next time, they’re much more likely to remember me, and I have a little joke I can keep playing on – like calling them by a different name on purpose during our next interaction. Whatever little banter, joke, or light-hearted teasing you can pull on – do it. Competition is a good in too, like if they say they’re good at pickleball and you say you’d definitely beat them. This opens yet another door for a potential hangout. It’s all about the flirting!

6. Ask his friends about his relationship status.

Find out who his close friends are and see which one you may run into or feel comfortable chatting with. The next time you see them, ask if your crush is single. Say it nonchalantly, like, “So, is your friend single or what?” Any good bro will give you the information and ask you if you’re interested, and this is your in. This information will 99% surely get back to your guy. Done deal.

Check out: How to keep a guy interested

7. Ask him out for a one-on-one hangout.

Ok, my gutsy gals out there. This one is for you. Next time you talk with this guy, whether it be in person or via messages, say, “We should grab coffee or lunch sometime!” Or, if want to get creative, find a hobby that would interest you both and invite him to do that together. Yes, it’s a risk. But – hey – in life, no risk, no reward. You’ve got this.


Ok guys, it’s now or never. I want to hear how you let him know you were interested and what his response was in the comments! I’ll be waiting! As always, thanks for watching.

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