How To Know When Your Crush Likes Someone Else

In a fairytale world or a Disney movie, your crush would end up falling in love with you. Unfortunately for most of us, a lot of the time crushes don’t like us back. It’s the cold hard truth and, while it might hurt at the beginning, I do believe everything happens for a reason and that you’ll find who you’re meant to be with. Corniness aside, it’s nice to know for sure whether your crush is into you or not so you can either stick around or move on. One of the easiest ways to figure this out is by knowing if your crush has feelings for another person. Here’s how to know when your crush likes someone else.

1. They repeat how great of a friend you are.

Being a great friend is a wonderful quality that you should be proud of. Having your crush say that you’re a great friend, though, could literally make you feel like a little ball of mud. Why is that? Well, because you don’t want your crush to see you as a great friend-zoned friend; you want them to see you as a great potential boyfriend or girlfriend. This is just the first step to being fully friend-zoned, and it points to your crush having their eyes on someone else. Of course, they might just not want a relationship right now, so keep your eyes peeled for some of the following signs too.

Check out: 10 Signs he doesn’t want a relationship with you

2. They brush off your flirting.

Whether you’re extra smiley, trying to play with their hair, or offering hugs for no reason, a crush who’s into someone else will dodge these flirty behaviors like balls in a dodgeball tournament. I’ll give you an example that hurts my dignity but it should be said. I’ll always remember a text I sent that said “You seem like you’d make a great boyfriend! Would love to find out,” to which he responded, “Haha, nahh.” You’d think my flirtatious behavior was the measles, yikes. Maybe it’s not that bad for you, but this person definitely isn’t returning the sentiment. This is a clear sign for you to decrease the flirting and observe a little more before you make your crush feel uncomfortable.

3. They talk to you a lot about someone else.

There couldn’t be a much clearer sign that your crush likes someone else than when they openly talk to you about that person. Now, most of the time your crush isn’t going to outright say that they like another person. That’s because they may not want to hurt your feelings or because they’re private and want to keep their business to themselves. Think back to the last time you crushed on someone. Did you mention them to any of your friends or potential suitors? I know my go-to for blocking an unwanted crush is to start talking about the person I’m actually into. In such a case, your crush may start to ask you about the other person or talk about the other person while complimenting them, as many of us do when someone new enamors us.

4. They try to set you up with someone else.

If your crush tries to push you into dating someone else – ouch – that could hurt. You may want to scream and yell, “I’m into YOU, idiot!” but you know you can’t do that. You could still shoot your shot by saying you’d prefer to date someone like them, but know that it might get awkward if they make it apparent that they aren’t into you like that.

Check out: Why does he keep me around if he doesn’t want a relationship?

5. They ask you if so-and-so is single.

If your crush asks about another person’s availability, it doesn’t always mean they’re into them. They may be asking for a friend or because they thought that person was dating a different partner. If they ask you and then get excited when you say that person is single, then this looks bad… unless your crush is a player, in which case he or she may also make this comment to get under your skin.

If you think your crush is capable of doing something like this just to get a reaction out of you, I almost hope they really do like someone else so you can leave them in the dust and move on to someone who treats you right. Trust me, I’m speaking from experience. Liking someone for their looks got me into a lot of drama and emotions that I did not ask for in the first place. Glad that’s over.

6. They’re always hanging around that person.

Maybe you’re suspicious that your crush likes a different person because they always seem to be around them. Could this mean they like someone else? Maybe, but it could also be coincidental, that they’re just friends, or for some other reason. You’ll need to look for deeper clues, like visual flirting, lots of social media publications of one-on-one hangouts, and rumors that start to make their way around about your crush and that other person.

7. When they tell a joke, they look at them instead of at you.

I’m going to bring in a little science/psychology class here to finish up. Studies have shown that when in a group, you look at the person you like the most after a joke is told. You could be telling the joke or someone else could have, but you look at your favorite person because you want to see their reaction to the situation. If your crush starts laughing at something and immediately looks at this other person, it seems you’re not in their number one spot as of yet.

Check out: 10 Signs she doesn’t like you


Crushes come and go, but if you realized today that your crush likes someone else, I am still sorry to hear that because I know it hurts. The good thing is that this crush can stop before it gets any bigger and you can now prioritize your time and thoughts for those who deserve them. So there you have it, 7 signs on how to know when your crush likes someone else.

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