How to Know If Someone Likes You Without Talking to Them

If you weren’t born clairvoyant, psychic, or an alien, I don’t expect you to read my mind. In fact, I hope no one can read my mind because sometimes it’s a weird place, but that’s beside the fact. The point is that you don’t need to read minds or speak to someone to learn about them. That’s why today we’re pinpointing how to know if someone likes you without talking to them. That’s right, no chit-chat, no stalking, and no awkward moments – just you figuring out if they’re into you from a distance.

1. Notice where they face.

If someone consistently turns their back to you and never seems to face your direction, they do not like you and may even be avoiding you altogether. Someone who likes you, is curious about you, or is open to speaking with you will keep that imaginary door open through their body language. This includes having their arms open at their sides and, hopefully, their feet pointed anywhere except the door. We tend to point our feet at the door when standing or sitting if we aren’t 100% comfortable in a space. If this person does have their feet that way, though, it might not be you – they could just feel uneasy being in the room in general.

Check out: 10 Psychological signs someone likes you

2. Check their cheeks.

Before you start checking out their caboose, stand down because I’m talking about the cheeks on their face. If this person has a paler complexion, look out for any blushing. You can smile at them, wave, or squish past them with a polite “excuse me” to gauge their reaction. People blush when they’re flustered or embarrassed, and this is much more likely to happen when you’re in front of someone you like. After all, if they like you, this person feels incredible pressure to be cool and impress you. Catching them off guard will release adrenaline in their body, dilating their blood vessels and prompting their rosy cheeks to tell all.

3. Brush past them.

If you didn’t do this for the last strategy, now’s the time to get spicy. Well, the quiet and subtle version of spicy. Find an opportunity to brush past this person as closely as possible. An ideal situation for this is if you need to grab something that is directly behind them or make your way past them in a tight space. Be sure not to rub all up on them or make them uncomfortable, of course, but simply walk by and brush their arm, shoulder, or back to let them know you’re moving past. A courteous “excuse me” will also do you good. A person who moves out of your way and says “sure” with no emotion doesn’t care too much.

On the other hand, if this person smiles and pats you back – for example, on the arm or shoulder – they are definitely feeling the vibes between you two. If they seem nervous or even clumsy, they’re also crushing hard.

4. Ask around.

Sometimes a third pair of eyes sees more than the first two. Ask someone who has been around both of you about this person. If they notice any chemistry, they’ll be quick to mention it, even if it’s subtle. For example, I remember I used to crush on this one guy at work back in the day. We had a pretty tight-knit work crew, so I asked a work friend we had in common if the guy was single. Obviously, I would only ask that if I was interested in him, and the friend picked up on this, so they answered that the guy was indeed single and that I should ask him to hang out. This little moment showed me that the guy was also interested in me because I knew the mutual friend wouldn’t push me in that direction if there wasn’t any hope to begin with.

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5. Notice their online moves.

Have you noticed that this person is always at the top of your viewer list? They’re quick to watch your stories or shoot you a like on your newest posts, even if they don’t seem to be active on their own social media page. This cyber-stalking shows romantic interest and is only by nosy people, exes, and potential future boyfriends or girlfriends. Hopefully, this person is the latter, and you can test it out by responding to one of their stories and seeing where the conversation takes you.

6. Check out their eye contact.

It’s no surprise that eye contact is a tell-tale sign of attraction. Not only do we look more at things we are attracted to, but our pupils also tend to dilate. This has even been shown in babies who do, in fact, find people with more symmetrical faces more attractive. Guess there is some sort of general beauty standard after all, ugh. Anyway, notice if this person is stealing any glances your way. They may also look away or get fidgety when you look at them, showing that you make them a wee bit nervous.

7. They seem self-conscious around you.

Scientifically speaking, liking someone can give you a little anxiety. That’s because seeing someone you like rises your dopamine levels, which in turn causes exhilaration and a bit of stress mixed with anxiety. You want to connect with this person, whether it’s on an emotional or physical level, so there’s some internal pressure to do so. This is what someone will be feeling if they really like you, so look out for signs that they’re feeling self-conscious. They may avoid speaking near you completely, get frazzled if they feel your attention is focused on them, move their hands around a lot, or try to block your view of them with another person, object, their hair, or their hands. Notice that they don’t face away from you, they just put a barrier in between to make them feel a bit less in your spotlight.

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If you know someone who has done at least four of these things, chances are they’re crushing on you hard. Liking someone you don’t talk to only goes skin-deep until you truly get to know that person, so don’t think they’re a ride or die just from these signs. Your best bet is to get to know them as a friend first and see where your relationship goes. Have you ever figured out that someone liked you without talking to them? What was your strategy? Hopefully, it meshes with the ones we talked about.

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