How To Know If A Girl Loves You Secretly
So, you’ve known this girl quite some time now and let say you both are attracted to each other. It’s been awhile and you’re not sure if she loves you. Let’s not make it too difficult here and let’s go over some basic signs that she’s falling for you. Then you would know what you’re looking for and whether or not you’re ready to say, “I love you.” So here are 10 signs on how to know if a girl loves you secretly.
1. She wants to spend more time with you
As long as she’s not spending all of your money, you’re good. But in terms of spending more time, she’ll look for ways to hang out more with you. Not to be confused with clingy though. These are times where you both are free or when you both are not working and studying. Basically, if she’s spending most of her time with you other than work and school, it’s a good sign to tell that she loves you.
2. She’s very intimate towards you
Intimacy is very important in a romantic relationship. Without that, you’re basically just friends. It’s also what keeps the relationship going and growing. She’s not afraid of trying new things and experimenting. If you know what I mean. And most importantly, if she trusts you with her mind, body, and soul, she’s already yours.
3. She cares about you
Whether you’re dealing with small or big issues, she makes sure you’re not alone. When you’re sick, she’ll be there to take care of you. When you’re feeling down, she’ll be there to pick you up and support you. She’ll stand by your side and always be there for you. She’s willing to go through life’s ups and downs with you because she loves you. And that my friend is a keeper.
4. She remembers what you like and dislike
Remembering the little details is important when it comes to loving another person. It shows the person you care enough to do it and that’s how you differentiate those who do care and those who don’t care. For instance, she’ll remember how you like your coffee with 2 packets of sugar, 7 cubes of ice and a dash of French vanilla creamer or how you like your steak to be cooked, fully cooked. It’s the little things that count though.
5. She sees you as “the one”
Nowadays people could be dating like a dozen of other people at the same time and some think that it’s okay. But if she’s serious, she’s going to stop talking to other people and invest more time in you. If she’s talking about being exclusive with you, it’s a pretty good sign to tell that she loves you. So, if you think she’s the one, make sure to lock it in and like Beyoncé would say, “If you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it.”
6. She’s planning the future with you
Plans for the future could be in any time frame. Anything that’s one day in advance or perhaps a couple of years down the road is game. But if she’s planning for things long term. That sounds like it’s something serious. She sees you being together in the long run and obviously don’t see you both breaking up anytime soon. Also, if there are big plans in play like moving in together or changing jobs, that’s even more serious because when someone is planning for the future like that, they are usually in love.
7. She surprises you with gifts
In my opinion, this is super rare. Girls are the one usually receiving gifts most of the time, and when they do give gifts out, it’s usually meaningful. They probably have put a lot of time and thought into it, to make it special. If you get a hand-written letter along with that gift, then you know it’s real. She’s in love with you.
8. You end up meeting her family and friends
Knowing her friends isn’t really a big deal. Perhaps you guys grew up with each other and have the same group of friends or mutual friends, that’s totally fine. But it gets real when you end up meeting her family and attending special events with them. If you end up spending Thanksgiving with her family or a Christmas gathering together, it’s pretty serious that she loves you enough to show you to her family. Or perhaps you’re just there to get her parent’s approval first.
9. She doesn’t ask you to change
After knowing the person for a long period of time and hanging out together, if she doesn’t ask you to change, she already accepted you for you. No one is perfect, but through her eyes, she believes you are perfect and that’s why she never asked you to change. She loves you as-is and that’s pretty hard to come by. If someone keeps pushing you for change and you feel uncomfortable with it, you should ask yourself if they are the right one for you. But if you both love each other as-is, then you both would probably make a perfect couple!
10. She’s happy to be with you
For the most part, if she’s always glowing and happy with you, you know that she’s enjoying her time with you and is emotionally fulfilled. I know that a girl can’t be happy all the time and always be flashing her smile on you, but you can tell there’s a certain energy that she’s emitting when she’s in love. If you don’t feel it, it’s probably not there, yet. Trust me, you’ll know when the time comes.
Overall, she may not say that she loves you, but if you’re feeling like she’s the one for you, it’s okay to tell her you love her. I know that action speaks louder than words, but for a girl, it’s nice to hear it once in a while that you love her. It could mean the world to her, but that’s just something for you to think about next time you see her. So that’s how to know if a girl loves you secretly.