How to Keep a Guy Interested

It’s easy to lose focus nowadays, whether you’re in a relationship or not in a relationship. But don’t give up yet – this video will teach you how to keep a guy interested through some easy-to-do strategies. Most of these tactics are chill and fun, so you can start doing them today to keep him in the palm of your hands tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, and until you have kids. Haha If that’s what you want. Anyway, here are 10 signs on how to keep a guy interested.

1. Focus on having fun.

If you have to choose between watching a movie or writing an essay, you’ll probably choose the movie. Most people want the fun, easier choice. If you focus on having fun with this guy, he’s probably going to come back to you for more fun. If something is boring and isn’t really exciting, the guy would most likely not be intrigued and just continue on with his day. But if it’s something fun and he looks forward to it, he’ll definitely be interested in coming back to you.

Check out: How to get the guy to ask you out

2. Try out new activities.

Novelty, or new things and experiences, improve human memory. When you do something new, a region in your midbrain activates motivation, also releasing the feel-good chemical called dopamine. This is one of the reasons it’s easy to remember details of the first time you do something, but not the third or fourth time. Take advantage of this psychological trick to burn your memory into this guy’s brain – literally. By trying out new activities together, you get to learn something new while creating an unforgettable memory together. And this could also be tied back to having fun together.

3. Be positive.

This is if they are a positive person too. There is a concept called the law of attraction, which states that “like tends to attract like.” This means you’re going to attract people who are like you. If you’re negative, you’ll probably have negative friends. But if you’re positive, both in person and in messages, you’re likely to get similar responses. Positivity is associated with happiness, so not only will this guy see you as a positive person, but he’ll correlate being around you with being happier! And he might stick around longer with you.

4. Make him feel special.

Building relationships is all about making your partner feel special. I mean, love is basically seeing someone as the most special person in your life. If some guy kept calling you average, you probably wouldn’t spend much time with him, would you? What better way, then, to keep this guy interested than by making him feel like he’s the apple of your eye. Compliment him genuinely and lift him up if he ever doubts himself. This means telling him all of the positive things you think about him, especially why he’s so different than all of the other guys you know. It’ll warm his heart.

Related: How to make someone feel special

5. Flirt.

When the flirting stops, the person drops. No winky face, no warm embrace. Stop spitting game, being alone is your name. You get the picture – flirting is important. It’s one way to start talking to someone romantically and when you do flirt with a guy, most of them get hooked on it. And when you get them hooked on it, they’ll keep coming back to you for more, and they’ll start flirting with you. You can try it out to see if that happens. Oh, and it doesn’t work with shy guys.

Check out: How do girls flirt?

6. Avoid drama.

The only people who want to hang out with a drama queen are drama princesses. Avoid the drama to keep this guy interested. The earlier you start getting angry, hot and cold, or moody, the bigger the chance this guy decides to take a step back. Save the drama for your mama, and keep it light with the guy you’re interested in. But you can definitely tell stories or gossip with him so he can keep coming back for more news or tea.

7. Don’t always text first.

Every relationship has a power dynamic. The person who seems to care less holds more power. It sucks, but that’s just how it is. In a healthy relationship, both people care about each other, so this dynamic is balanced and goes back and forth. This is what you’re aiming for with this guy, which is why you can’t always be chasing after him. He’s got to meet you halfway, or else you’re just too available and that’s boring. Taking a step back is good to give him some space and make yourself seem more appealing and out of reach. Sometimes being a bit mysterious will keep a guy interested.

8. Keep busy.

You want this guy to stay interested, but you don’t want him to walk all over you. Keep busy and remain independent; don’t revolve your whole life around him. An independent person is attractive by having a life outside of the relationship. Plus, in the worst-case scenario, if things don’t work out between the two of you, you’ll always have your friends and hobbies to fall back on, since you didn’t dump them from the start.

9. Do things that he likes to do.

Try to connect with this guy by doing some things he likes to do. He’s going to love sharing his passion with you, whether this is watching his favorite team play or trying out his main hobby for the first time. The important thing is to be open-minded and sincere. If you hate football, don’t pretend you want to watch it together, but if you don’t know much about it, let him explain the main points to you and see how you like it. The reason for this is so he can at least know that you’re somewhat interested in the things he likes.

Check out: How to get a guy to like you

10. Make him feel like he can’t live without you.

A guy will remain interested in you indefinitely when he sees you as an integral part of his life. You can achieve this by striving to be his go-to person. This means you’ll be his most important person, and he can trust you with his secrets, successes, or fears. You’ll want to be the first person he calls if he’s in trouble or if he just got the job. To get here, work on being transparent, trustworthy, supportive, and genuine in all of your interactions with this guy. Because one day he’ll realize that you’re the partner that he really needs. Who knows. Haha

Check out: How to make him miss you (using psychology)


Overall, keeping a guy interested shouldn’t be too hard, as long as you’re physically there, talk to him, laugh, and just be comfortable with each other. I’m like 90% sure, he’ll be around for a while. Because if you both are vibing with each other, I don’t see why he will just run away, well unless he already has a partner or a second life. But then that’s a different story already.

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