How To Keep A Conversation Going With A Girl (10 Quick Tips)
So now you finally got a girl to talk to but you are always wondering what to talk about or how to even keep the conversation going. If you keep letting your conversation die, your relationship might as well die too. Girls would like if a guy can talk and talk for hours because that’s how you connect with one another. Without that, the relationship might get dull and boring. So, whether you’re an outgoing guy or shy guy, here are 10 tips on how to keep a conversation going with a girl.
1. Have confidence
Some guys lack the confidence to keep the conversation going because of fear. They fear that what you say will not be accepted. That’s a generalized myth. You need to change that mentality and own what you say. Be engaging and be interesting. If you make sudden pauses, that’s okay, as long as you can get your story and message across you’re doing well!
Check out: How to love yourself and be confident
2. Share stories
Have you watch a show, movie, or a short video clip recently? You probably have since you’re watching this. They all have one thing in common, and that is they all have a story to tell you. People naturally just love a good story. If she finds your stories interesting, she’ll ask questions along the way. This way you’re engaging with her and at the same time you get to know a little bit about her and she gets to know a little bit about you. There’s a saying “A Good Story Never Dies.” So, try that out.
3. Explore her interests
The first thing is to find what she is interested in. Guys have a hard time keeping a conversation with a girl because they don’t know what she like or not like. One of the ways to explore her interests is by trial and error. You start a conversation on a topic that you think she will like. If she gets into it, then keep talking about it. If she turns it down, then think of another topic. The other way to deal with this predicament is asking her a very straight forward question such as: ‘’ Tell me about your interests. What do you like doing?’’ This way, you will have a very effective starting point.
4. Ask questions
This is one of the way to keep her active. However, you should filter your questions. Do not ask questions that touch the deepest part of her worries. A great question will make her think, laugh and like you. You should avoid ‘’yes” and “no’’ kind of questions because they may kill the conversation. Instead, ask her questions that needs a long answer and are open-ended.
If you’re interested, check out: 10 easy conversation starters that always work
5. Don’t interrupt her
Sometimes it’s best not to interrupt a girl when she’s talking. Well, this greatly depends on what she’s talking about and it’s up to you to decide on that. Interrupting her can make her feel that you are trying to silence her or maybe you don’t value what she is saying. Try to hold onto those thoughts and wait until she is done and then you can bring them up.
6. Make the awkward silences funny
You have to accept pauses and try to use that opportunity to make her laugh. Pauses are a natural part of a conversation. You can make the pause feel comfortable by smiling, taking a sip from your drink or teasing her. Better yet, talk about funny awkward moments you had and that’ll reignite the conversation.
7. Focus on body language
Body language tells us a lot about the person you are talking to. You will be able to know when you are losing her interest or when she wants to change the topic. If you see her looking away, fiddling with her drink or looking like she cannot wait to escape, then you can be sure that you are losing her interest. When you are talking to her, make sure you maintain eye contact. Ensure you are also projecting a good body language. Do not cross your hands, sigh, turn your body away from her, or be unamused. This can make her feel uncomfortable and she may consider leaving.
8. Give her full attention
Do not accept calls nor texts from your phone while you are talking to her, especially if she’s the one carrying the conversation. Let her know that you think she’s important. If you run into friends, do not spend a lot of time with them. Just introduce them to her and remain focused with her.
9. Tell her something about yourself
You don’t have to ask a lot questions about her without letting her know something about you. But make sure you don’t talk too much about yourself. The reason for this is that you may appear self-absorbed which is not good. If you are talking to a girl who you just met, then it becomes tricky to ask a lot of questions about her. Just accept the reality that you are a stranger and she may not be so open to tell you everything if you don’t tell her something about yourself too.
10. Take her slowly
Some guys tend to rush into things. You just met this girl and you are all over her as if you knew each other a decade ago. Before you even ask for her contact details, you should first of all be sure that she has accepted you. Ease your way into the conversation first. Make her feel comfortable. Take your time, you can ask for contact details when you are leaving.
Overall, if she tells you that she has to leave, end the conversation on a good note. Tell her that you appreciate her time and would like to meet her again. If she gives you her phone number or likes another outing with you, then there’s a good chance that she is interested in you. Remember that connecting with someone takes time and it definitely takes a lot of time and practice to be a great conversationalist.
Hey, guys if you like this please share this. Let’s be honest, you probably have a friend or two who can greatly benefit from these tips. So help them out. Thanks for reading all this to the end. Hope it helps