How to Be Kind

If the world had more kind people in it, we can all agree that it would be a better place. Sometimes we mean well, but we aren’t as kind as we could be. Hey, it happens to the best of us. The wear and tear of everyday life can make even the friendliest of people lose their sincerity. Some of us may also think we are being kind when we are only polite – yes, there is a difference. Politeness helps make situations efficient and creates respectful relationships. Kindness, on the other hand, is compassion and warm-heartedness, regardless of the situation. If you’re working on how to be kind in your daily life, try out these 10 actions to make yourself and others feel better today!

1. Listen without responding.

Have you ever shared a personal story only to have the listener go into their own tale that resembled your situation? Half of the time humans listen to someone else, but we are actually just thinking about what we want to say. While we don’t maliciously do this, in our hearts, some of us are just not the best listeners. This is an actual skill we can work on every day. The next time someone is sharing something with you, listen to them without thinking of your scenario. When they’re finished speaking, wait a full three seconds before responding. Most of the time, within these three seconds, the person will add more information that is even more important than their initial spiel!

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2. Reach out to someone on their tough day.

Almost everyone has had a tough day at least once a year. This could be a holiday that promotes loneliness, like Valentine’s Day for someone who recently ended a relationship or a day that reminds that person of someone they missed who passed away. It could even be a day where they shared that their work or studies have gone south and that they feel down. To show kindness, reach out to them via phone call or message to lift their spirits. If you want to go the extra mile, send a card or gift to their home to give them a surprise they didn’t know they needed. Trust me, they’ll always remember that.

3. Invite someone new to join you.

If you’ve been in a town or place long enough, it’s easy peasy to find someone who is new to join you. There may be a new face in your class, at your job, or around your gym or neighborhood. Introduce yourself, make some small talk, and invite them to join you for something. It could be for a coffee or even to go out with you and your friends. Image how this could make someone go from feeling isolated to welcomed and loved!

4. Help someone without being asked.

When the older woman is struggling with her bags or you see that family pulled over with a flat tire, help them out voluntarily. Most people are embarrassed to ask for help in smaller situations, so offering a hand is both kind and necessary. Make offers out of the goodness of your heart, like giving someone a ride or taking the time out of your day to help someone with their problem. One day, you’ll find yourself in a situation where you will need help, and wouldn’t it be nice if Karma made its way around and came back to you then?

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5. Send someone flowers, fruits, or chocolate to cheer them up.

One of these three things is sure to cheer up someone who has been feeling down. Not a lot of people receive it that’s why. And of course, it doesn’t have to be exactly one of the three things that I’ve listed. It could be anything that they like. The important part here is you actually went out of the way and genuinely thought about them when sending someone some flowers, fruits, or chocolate. This is one way on how to be kind.

6. Offer genuine compliments.

There’s nothing quite like a genuine compliment to lift your confidence for the day. You get bonus points if you can focus on things about the person instead of an object to really make it genuine. Instead of complimenting someone’s clothes, for example, you could compliment their taste or style. If you know them personally, offer a compliment on one of their character attributes or skills. If you’re extra-extroverted, offer a genuine compliment to a stranger! Those could be some of the most memorable moments for them.

7. Thank someone for something they do often.

Independent people do things every day that they have to but don’t necessarily want to. For example, cleaning up, cooking, or driving someone else to their class or work. I’m sure you know someone close to you who does one or all of these things. Next time, thank them for their actions. Give them a genuine appreciation for their support, whether it be an action that they do or emotional support that they give. It feels good to give appreciation and even better to receive it.

8. Offer a hug or a shoulder.

Sometimes, all you want or need is a hug. Words or gifts may not be as important as simply being there for someone who needs support. Bring them in for a bear hug and let them sob it out as long as they need to.

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9. Consider your language.

It’s easy to let a criticism sneak out in the form of an innocent comment. By being more aware of and considerate of your language, you can slowly improve it to be a more positive force around those in your life. Don’t bad-mouth someone if you don’t want that to happen to you. And don’t start cussing or swearing in front of people. Using vulgar words usually isn’t the kindest thing to do.

10. Volunteer your time.

There are thousands of causes that need volunteers every year, so find the one that speaks to you and dedicate a portion of your time to helping out. From an hour a week to daily assistance, find what works for you and give back to a greater cause. It’ll show that you’re selfless and that you actually care for the cause. And of course, not all causes are created equal.

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Overall the takeaway of all this is to be genuine. Genuinely care for others. If in the past, you aren’t the kindest person at all, then incorporating a couple of these elements might slowly change you and how others think of you. And at the end of the day, wouldn’t the world be a better place if we were all kind to one another? That’s just a thought. So there you have it 10 ways on how to be kind to others.

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