How Do You Know You Love Someone?

You know when you say, “I loooove this new show. I love chocolate. I love the new look? I love that too!” Love, love, love. We all love stuff, right? Where is the line between really liking something and loving it? Where is that same line when it comes to relationships? Nowadays, everything is dramatized and sometimes exaggerated. We exaggerate how we respond to the most basic things so the basic things don’t sound boring, right? So, what makes us so sure we can know what real feelings are? How do you know you love someone? If you’re curious, let’s check out these 10 elements to find out.

1. They’re always at the center of your thoughts.

I might love chocolates, shows, and my new jacket, but I definitely don’t think about any of them most of my day. I go through my routine and barely think about my jacket, and I only think about chocolate when I’m in the mood for dessert. When a person is on the center of your mind that seems to be non-stop, that could be a telltale sign that you might start to develop this “love” type of feeling for someone. Notice how I said, “start,” because this normally doesn’t happen if you just simply like a person.

Related: What does it mean when you can’t stop thinking about someone

2. You plan your future around them.

If you catch yourself making big decisions around this person, especially if those decisions will greatly affect your future, then that could be stem from love. This means that you both want and expect this person to be around you long-term, which is a testament to the strength of your relationship together. One thing is important, though, to make sure they’re on the same page before you make those decisions. If so, then that relationship will last even longer.

3. You would do anything for them.

If this person called you in the middle night, and you would walk 3 miles to help them, that could be geared towards love. If you only had $5 to your name and they were hungry, and you can easily give it up to them, then that’s true love. Now, this doesn’t have to be done by your romantic partner. You can see this all around us something. Like our parents. Parents will do whatever it takes to care for and support their kids. And that’s just an example of showing love. If you love someone, you’d do anything for them and their well-being.

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4. Everything feels new and exciting.

Now this will most likely occur in the beginning stages of loving someone. You both go to the movies, the same movie theater you had been to a hundred times before, but you swear that this time is the best of them all and that the movies have never been so nice. You go grab a burger but it’s the best fast-food date you could ever imagine. It doesn’t matter if you’re wrestling pigs or cleaning in your bathroom – anything with someone you love can turn out to be fun if you’re doing it together! That’s when you know you love someone.

5. Other people notice you love them.

Friends and family are close to us for a reason. The way you act and behave around them all the time is a huge indicator. They know what’s going on since they are around you all the time and aren’t afraid to tell us. If they’re the ones telling you to confess your obvious love for this other person, they probably have a point. Who are you trying to fool?

6. You feel a lot of empathy towards them.

If my neighbor’s uncle visits once a year and tells me he’s going through a hard time, I might feel sympathy or a wee bit of empathy, but I’m not programmed to store that information forever. On the other hand, if someone I love tells me they’re going through a hard time, you can bet your dollar that I’ll be checking up, checking in, and checking out their situation to help them any way I can.

7. They amplify your feelings.

When you love someone, especially in the first year or so, all of your feelings are going to be on overdrive. When they make you happy, you’re ecstatic. When they make you sad, you’ve never felt more disappointed in your life. If they make you angry… steer clear, because you’re going to erupt like a volcano. The reason why we do this is because we are already attached to them. When we are attached, the feelings we let out will be strong and more pronounced.

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8. You feel a little jealous.

Remember the last point I made about your feelings being amplified. Well, jealousy is not just going to be hiding under your skin. Although when loving someone, trust should come in naturally. But deep down inside, a little jealousy will occur and it’s normal. When you do experience that, it’s okay to express your feeling to the other person. Communication is key to any relationship and it’s part of love.

9. You have the three layers of attraction to them: emotional, physical, and intellectual.

Most likely with only physical attraction, it won’t last long. With only emotional attraction, it could get you a best friend. And with only an intellectual attraction you may find yourself a mentor. But a combo of all three? It’s “love” my friend. And when you hit all 3 of these elements, you’ll know what you’re getting yourself into.

10. You are committed to them.

No matter the case, the people involved, or the time at hand, you will commit yourself to someone you truly feel love for. They’ll take a part in your decisions, your thoughts, everything. The most important part is that this will all come naturally and with ease. You’ll never have to force yourself to consider the other person because that will be what you want to do for someone you love. You’ll be able to commit easily. That’s when you know you love someone.

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Overall, we will continue to throw around the word “love” for centuries to come, we should know that the real kind of love is special and few and far in between. Before you go confessing your feelings to an innocent bystander, remember these signs and make sure you are really feeling what you’re saying before you say it because it’s a really strong word. So there you have it, 10 elements on how do you know you love someone.

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