How Do You Know He Loves You? (10 Signs)

You know how people say that “love is complicated.” In a sense, it is. It makes you feel all types of ways that you never felt before. Plus, if someone loves you, how can you actually tell without them telling you? It’s tricky, but actions do speak louder than words, and most of the time, they’ll reveal it to you. Now you’re probably on here to figure out if this guy actually loves you because that has been bothering you for a while, or maybe you’re just curious. Well, say no more because I got 10 signs for you on how do you know he loves you. And it doesn’t take a lot of work to find out.

1. He knows something is wrong, even if you don’t tell him.

When a guy knows you from the inside out, your fake smile won’t fool him. You can’t hide your feelings, especially negative ones like sadness or anger, from someone who loves you. They’ve learned your expressions, mannerisms, and what makes you tick. He’ll be in the fix-it mode and want to comfort you, so accept his offer and be honest about what you’re feeling – you won’t find a better support than him when he loves you!

Check out: 12 Signs of a shy guy in love 

2. He takes charge when you’re overwhelmed.

Sometimes the day is just too long, too complicated, and just too much. Even the strongest person can have tough days, and stress is a byproduct of these moments. If you’re overwhelmed, a guy who loves you will jump at the chance to alleviate that stress. He wants you at your best, and you’re not your best when you’re overwhelmed and stressed. His love will come to the rescue!

3. He would cancel his favorite activity if you asked.

Take note that this one is a hypothetical. He would cancel his favorite activity for you, but you shouldn’t make him do such a thing unless it’s a real emergency or serious situation. The fact that he loves you enough to sacrifice what brings him joy means you should return that love and let him enjoy it when he can. Sometimes compromising is the way to go in a relationship. So, know that if he ever does stop doing his favorite activity or hobby, note that he loves you enough to stop.

4. He cheers you on when you’re feeling down.

If he had a pair of pom-poms, a guy who loves you would swing them around and chant your name to encourage your wins. That’s how much he roots for you. If you’re down, he’ll offer both hands to pull you back up, whether you want to get up or not. Why? Because he loves you. You have a full-on support system with this guy.

Check out: 15 Signs he loves you deeply

5. He would lose sleep to help you.

Whether it’s 3 PM or 3 AM, a guy who loves you would answer your call. He’d roll out in PJ’s if you needed him and go to work on 2 hours of sleep. It’s great to have someone like that right? Supportive and dedicated to you. But don’t just use him. So, if he’s losing sleep to help you, you should know that his feelings for you are really strong. This is also a good sign to know he loves you.

6. He rubs your back or gives you a massage when you’ve had a long day.

Some people like a good head rub, and some people like a good massage. A good massage is like five-star dining, you don’t realize you needed it until you finally get your first one. Luckily, this guy would be first in line to give you one or another or both after a long day. If he didn’t love you, he would rather be watching TV than to do that.

7. He entertains your friends and family… even the crazy ones.

A guy who loves you will accept you for who you are… and also the ones who you bring to the table. This includes your over-expressive best friend and the family you definitely didn’t choose. You know that nutty aunt you have who has no filter and says things that should be illegal? Yeah, he even entertains that one. Bless his heart and soul if he’s doing it for you because he knows you like your family and friends a lot and he knows that if he gets along with them, it’ll make you happy.

Related: 10 Signs he is slowly falling for you

8. He drops everything to greet you.

Talking with friends? He’ll excuse himself to greet you. Reading something? He’ll put it down to give you a hug. Eating a sandwich? He’ll offer you a bite while saying hello with a mouthful of bread. No matter what he’s doing, the moment you enter the room, his eyes are on you.

9. He includes your needs in his purchases.

A guy who loves you will always have you in the back of his mind, even during something as boring as a grocery run. If he gets a craving and ends up going out to get something for himself, he’ll also pick up your favorite items along the way. If you mentioned you want or like something and he’s in the area, he’ll scoop it for you as a surprise. The key point here is also the surprises. Every thought is filled with love, and his actions follow suit. This is also a good sign to know he loves you.

10. He worries about your health.

Beauty is wonderful, but it’ll never be as important as your health. A guy who loves you cares about more than just the superficial you. He wants you to be successful, happy, and healthy. But if you don’t have the health, you probably won’t be alive for too long. The important part is to keep you healthy so you both can enjoy life together. And that alone will make him happy. Because you probably wouldn’t love someone if you aren’t happy to be with them in the first place.

Check out: How to tell if a guy likes you but is hiding it


Overall, love is an emotion, and emotions are expressed through our daily actions. We cry when we’re sad, laugh when we’re happy, and do caring acts of kindness when we love. You don’t have to look too hard to notice when a guy is directing his actions of love towards you. When you do notice him, make sure he’s being appreciated and give some love right back! So there you have it, 10 signs on how do you know he loves you.

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