Does He Like Me Quiz

You might be thinking… β€œHe likes me, he likes me not.” Do I hear someone who could use a hand? You’re in the right place. None of us want to get carried away and think that a flirty guy is in love with us when he is simply just a flirty guy. You want to be sure someone is attracted to you for more than just a moment with you, and this is the quiz to help you figure it out. If you’re asking yourself, β€œDoes he like me?”, let’s go through this 30-question quiz and find out! No strings attached.

1. Does he bring you around his friends?

2. Does he stick to your plans together?

3. Does he play with your hair?

4. Do you share the same values?

5. Does he say he was thinking of you?

6. Do you have long, consistent conversations together?

7. Does he compliment you?

8. Does he value your opinion?

9. Is he supportive when you’re feeling down?

10. Would he cancel his plans if you needed him?

11. Does he tease you?

12. Does he find excuses to be around you?

13. Is he touchy? (touches your hand, hugs you often, etc.)

14. Does he plan intimate hangouts?

15. Does he worry about how you’re doing?

16. Does he always stand or sit next to you?

17. Does he put in the effort to see and speak to you?

18. Does he make you a better person?

19. Do you have chemistry?

20. Does he say β€œGood morning” to you?

21. How about saying β€œGood night”?

22. Does he smile at you for no reason?

23. Is he surprised by your insecurities?

24. Does he let you borrow his clothes? (Especially hoodies)

25. Do his eyes follow you across the room?

26. Does he defend you in front of others?

27. Do you hang out with his family?

28. Does he share secrets with you?

29. Is he considerate of your feelings?

30. Does he respect you?

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