Does He Like Me or Is He Just Being Nice?

Imagine not knowing the difference between friendliness and romantic affection. Let’s say your friend is helpful and assists you on a big project. He’s just so kind, and you mistake it for something more. You mistakenly try to kiss your friend. He jumps back, appalled. This leads to an awkward relationship between you two. Maybe you’ve already fallen hard for him and it broke your heart that he rejected you and it spirals into depression. Now of course I’m exaggerating this, but do you see how one event could lead to another, and knowing the difference between a guy being nice and liking you could be different. So, today, let’s find out if he likes you or if he’s just being nice with these 9 questions.

1. Does he high-five you or hug you?

Greetings and physical touch are two ways to see where you stand with someone. If he high-fives, fist bumps, nods, or secret handshakes you hello, he’s just being nice. If he hugs you, especially for longer than 5 seconds, he is treating you more intimately than just an acquaintance. The same goes if he dares to kiss you on the cheeks!

Check out: How to know if a guy loves you but is hiding it

2. Does he help you or go out of his way for you?

Helping someone out when they have a flat tire is helpful. Explaining a problem that you don’t understand is helpful. Driving you home because you don’t have a ride is helpful. Driving three hours to help you with a flat tire, tutoring for hours for free, or driving you home when it’s an hour out of the way for him is more than just being nice… now this guy likes you because he’s going out of his way for you.

3. Does he talk to you or with you?

Talking to you is something most guys will do, especially in passing period. This includes quick comments and general small talk that isn’t exactly memorable. When a guy likes you, he’ll instead talk deeply with you. He’ll make sure to make eye contact, have open body language, and ask you follow-up questions to show he’s interested in both the conversation and in you.

4. Does he interact with you, digitally?

He could add you on social media and never communicate with you. He might secretly Insta-stalk you once or twice, but then he loses interest and continues on with his life. But if he likes your posts, comments, and actually interacts with you digitally almost every week, you should know he should have some feelings for you. If he tags you frequently, it’s the real deal already.

Check out: 9 Signs he’s waiting for you to make a move

5. Does he treat you like a zebra or a lion?

Does he try to pet you or run away screaming for his life? Just kidding, that’s not what I mean when I reference wild animals. If he treats you like a zebra, he’s always hanging out with you in a group. This is nice, but it’s not romantic. If he treats you like the solitary lion, he’ll be arranging to hang out with you one-on-one. Now that’s setting the scene for romance.

6. Is he a blabbermouth or mysterious?

Does this dude open his mouth to tell you all about his recent dates and going out with people? Does he talk about who he thinks is cute? If so, that makes him a nice talkative guy, but he’s not nice enough to like you. If he keeps it mysterious, but always around you, he might be hiding his love interest from you. The key part here is always being around you.

7. Does he ask you the time or ask you about your dreams?

The conversation you have with this guy will determine how close you can get in the future. Shallow conversations equal a shallow chance of you two making it far. If all he asks you about is the time, the answers to the midterm, your friend’s phone number, or the weather, he’s just being nice. If he asks you about your goals, your family, your dreams, or your favorite memories, he likes you and wants to get to know you better.

8. Are you an item on his agenda or his whole agenda?

Everyone makes time for others, and it doesn’t mean that we like them. I made time for the tutor to come over the other week, but it wasn’t because I wanted to date her. A nice guy will add you to his schedule and checks you off the list once the objective or task at hand is complete. A guy who likes you will clear his schedule to make sure he can spend as much time together as possible. And that’s the main difference.

9. Is he polite or kind?

There’s a big difference between being polite and being kind. Being polite is showing respect and courtesy to others. You use your manners and speak about things neutrally. You’re polite to your teacher, the cop who pulls you over, and the cashier at the grocery store, hopefully. But being kind, on the other hand, shows affection, generosity, and empathy. You’re kind to your best friend, the little kid who falls off his bike, and the love of your life. If someone likes you, they’ll be sure to show kindness and of course as well as politeness. And if it’s added in with being romantic only with you and not with other people, then he likes you.

Check out: 10 Subtle signs he likes you more than a friend.


Overall, I would agree with you that trying to figure out if he likes you or is he just being nice is not an easy task, because there are so many variables that could come into play and there are definitely other signs or actions out there that can overlap and be in the gray area. But if you have no idea of where to start to even tell if he likes you or just being nice, then the 9 signs that I’ve mentioned could be a great place to start, and let me know which side he’s leaning towards.

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