Do I Love Him Quiz

We like someone, we date them, we fall in love, we stay together… or, we fall out of love. The cycle isn’t fixed and there are many variations of how feelings develop, but one thing is for certain: the strongest emotion we can feel with someone is love. When someone brings up the β€œL-word” it usually takes the relationship to the next level, and there is a new sense of intimacy that surpasses anything in the past. I mean – sheesh – it’s a big step! Before we go proclaiming our love from the mountaintops, we have to be sure it’s really what we are feeling. Try our β€œDo I love him?” quiz now to see where you stand.


1. Do you think about him every day?

2. Do random things remind you of him?

3. Does your heart race when you see him?

4. Is he the first person you go to when you’re sad?

5. Is he the first person you go to with good news?

6. Are you open to bringing him around your family?

7. Have you shared an intimate secret (or more) with him?

8. Do you feel sad if you don’t speak to him?

9. Do you talk about him to others, no matter the topic?

10. Would you drop everything to see him?

11. Can he trust you?

12. Do you find excuses for his flaws?

13. Do you dream/daydream about him?

14. Do you consider him in your future plans?

15. Does he impact your day-to-day decisions?

16. Do you prioritize him in your schedule?

17. Do you ignore other guys’ advances?

18. Do you often re-read his messages?

19. How about scroll through his photos?

20. Are you happy to sacrifice some things for him?

21. Could you spend hours with him without feeling bored?

22. Do you feel safe around him?

23. Do you find his quirks to be cute?

24. Is it hard to concentrate on anything but him?

25. Would you be devastated if he wasn’t in your life anymore?

26. Do you share his emotions (deep empathy)?

27. Are you yourself around him?

28. Does he calm you down?

29. Does he make you feel empowered?

30. Does the world seem better since you’ve met?

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