8 Signs a Guy Is Hiding His Feelings for You

If you think a guy might be hiding a big crush on you, you’re in the right place. Sometimes guys don’t want to share their feelings for you because they aren’t ready to date, they’re scared of your response, or they’re insecure about themselves – there are a ton of reasons he might be downplaying his feelings for you. If you spot a majority of these signs, then it might be true he’s doing so to hide from you. So here are 8 signs a guy is hiding his feelings for you.

1. He does sweet things for you but won’t tell you he did it.

When you needed help the most, he’ll unexpectedly help you, but does it in disguise. This sounds like something straight out of the movies, right? But it’s true if a guy likes you, and really wants to hide his feelings for you, he’ll do anything he can to help and not take credit for it. Because he genuinely cares. Or like gifting things that you need, but not leaving a name behind. This is one of the strong signs that a guy is hiding his feelings for you. So now you know.

Check out: 15 Signs he likes you more than a friend

2. He remembers everything you’ve said or done.

A guy who is hiding more than just attraction from you will always be paying attention to you. Whether he knows it or not, you’re bound to be the center of his attention since he likes you. Humans are selective listeners. This means we listen more carefully to things that are relevant to us and kind of zone out on the things we don’t care about. I’m sure we’ve all done this more than a few times, especially in class or at work. If a guy remembers so much about you, his selective listening is focused on you, because you are the person he cares about!

3. He pulls away when he gets too close to you.

When a guy hides his feelings for you, he doesn’t want to tell you he likes you for a reason. This could be personal or something between the two of you, but it makes sense that he isn’t going to be all over you in the meantime. This guy will be tempted to be close to you, both physically and emotionally. You may even see him starting to open up or even sit a bit closer to you than expected, but when things get too serious or you both start to get too comfortable, he suddenly shuts down and puts some distance between the two of you.

4. He goes out of his way to be nice.

If someone is walking behind you, it’s courteous to hold the door open so that it doesn’t close in their face. If someone is blocking you unintentionally, you say “excuse me,” to alert them and not be rude. These are examples of politeness. If a guy does these things, it doesn’t mean he has feelings for you. If he goes a step beyond polite, going out of his way to be nice, then that’s a different story. This includes giving you a ride when it’s out of the area, helping you out with something super boring or difficult, or even getting you a special gift. Now that’s something worth noting.

Check out: How to tell if a guy likes you but is hiding it

5. He acts differently around you.

If you’ve known this guy for a while, and he suddenly starts acting weird, he might be hiding his feelings for you. He’s suddenly overthinking everything, which is changing how he normally acts. This is kind of like getting flustered or nervous over something that you didn’t know was there. Imagine realizing that you’ve had a huge stain on the back of your shirt all day – you’d probably be nervous and turn red. Well, he realized he has feelings for you and it’s giving him similar symptoms.

6. He tries to act cool and not look at you.

A combination of nervousness and wanting to be cool will make a guy do this. First, you enter a room and momentarily make eye contact with him. Even if it’s just for a millisecond, you know he knows you’re there. If he tries to act cool or be more vocal about things, then he’s hoping you’ll approach him instead so that he doesn’t look like he’s all over you. It’s whatever he can to get your attention, and maybe impress you in the meantime.

7. He becomes friends with your friends.

One of the best ways to connect with you is to connect with your friend group. If this guy is suddenly hanging out with more people you know, he is lowkey trying to find a way to hang out with you without bluntly asking you to hang out one on one. And sometimes it’s easier to hide their feelings towards you that way because then you’ll never know who he likes. haha

8. He always puts his best foot forward.

Now, this is most likely for the guys who are afraid of rejections. They want to be there looking good, give off that good impression and such. Just so you know he’s trying. And just so he can get your attention. If he’s able to get your attention, then it worked and he’s hoping you’ll make a move just to confirm, you have feelings for him as well. But if he’s putting his best foot forward and you show no interest in him, then he just loses all hope and keeps his feelings for you hidden. So, if he’s doing things for you and supporting you, it’s a sign.

Check out: 10 Subtle signs he likes you more than a friend


Overall, just know that sometimes it doesn’t hurt to take action if you like this guy and have feelings for him. He might feel the same way too since you’re watching this video. And if he doesn’t feel the same way, then oh well, you now know the answer to your question. But if you take the initiative to ask him out, do let me know. So there you have it 8 signs a guy is hiding his feelings for you.

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