7 Types of Overprotective Boyfriends

Overprotective boyfriends can be cute or they can be crazy – it all comes down to what kind of overprotective boyfriend they are. A little bit of protection shows that they care about you and want you to be safe, but a small step over the line makes them controlling and not very fun to be around. So, let’s go over the 7 types of overprotective boyfriends you may spot.

1. The Big-Brother Boyfriend.

To start off, don’t get creeped out by the mention of your brother – your boyfriend is completely unrelated to you and totally romantic. When I say “big brother”, I want you to imagine someone who always looks out for you and wants you to be safe without being overbearing. The big brother boyfriend is actually a good one to have in your corner. He’s not only protective of you but also of all your close friends – or sisters, if you have any – in a sweet way. He’s the first one you’ll call if you feel unsafe or creeped out by someone, and he’s always got you – and your BFFs’ – backs.

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2. The Paranoid Boyfriend.

Paranoid protective boyfriend is so annoying. He always thinks everyone is out to get him and everyone in his life – including you. Any new friend you make is going to be scrutinized, he’ll never take someone’s word for it, and he’s going to be second-guessing everything you say to him. This type of “protection” – and I use that word lightly here – is more like a suspicious helicopter parent than a boyfriend. You’re going to constantly have to calm him down and try to convince him that situations aren’t as bad as he assumes… good luck getting him to believe you, though.

3. The Overbearing Boyfriend.

An overbearing protective boyfriend will quickly make you want to pull your hair out. This guy needs to know where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re talking to… Every. Single. Day. And you can bet he’ll have a strong opinion on all of the above. Even though he may seem like he’s coming from a place of caring – heck, he might even believe that himself! – it’s exhausting to deal with an overbearing boyfriend. If you try to tell him to chill, he’ll likely take it as an insult. Don’t be surprised if it’s hard to get through to him.

4. The Manipulative Man.

Ah, manipulative man. You strike again. Manipulative overprotective boyfriend isn’t actually overprotective… he just fakes it to cover up his manipulation. This guy wants what he wants and he doesn’t care about you or anyone else in his way. This means that if he doesn’t like something you’re doing, he’s going to put on an “I’m worried about you” face to open up the conversation. Then, he’ll try to convince you that you should change without actually saying it himself. This is a skill, an evil skill at that, so do be careful around the manipulative man. FYI: he doesn’t really care.

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5. The Insecure Boyfriend.

“Why are you going there?” “Are you sure you want to do that or go there or talk to them?” “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Wah, wah, wah. The insecure overprotective boyfriend has a lot of worries about what you’re doing, but it’s a lot more about whining than it is about safety. This guy has some deep-seated insecurities about both himself and your relationship that need to be dealt with. He’s either been hurt, been cheated on before, or he has low self-esteem and non-existent self-confidence. He is overprotective over you because he truly is worried, but not about what’s best for you – he’s mostly concerned about how your decisions will affect him. If you choose to stay with a guy like this to help him work through insecurities, he will require a lot of patience. Godspeed, sis.

6. The Scary Boyfriend.

The scary boyfriend is an aggressive, overprotective person. If he’s feeling overprotective, most situations are no-bueno with this guy. You’ll often find him looking through your phone, computer, or bag. He will say it’s just to check up on you as if he cares about you, but it’s actually the green-eyed monster called jealousy peeking out. If he sees or hears something he doesn’t like, he may yell, throw things, break things, or even make you feel afraid to be alone with him. And you can sure as heck bet that he’ll tell you he just cares too much about you and that’s why he reacts that way. If this sounds familiar, I need you to listen and listen good – A scary-overprotective boyfriend is a human red flag. It’s time to run the other way… now!

7. The Wounded Boyfriend.

Wounded protective boyfriend has seen some things. He’s been hurt, and we can’t blame him for his hesitations. Whether it was an ex, someone in his family, or even bullying at school, he’s wary of other people. This means that, since he cares so much about you, he’s also going to be wary of those around you. He may be hesitant to let your friends or even your family get close to him. If someone wrongs you, this guy is going to be upset about it and remember it for many days to come. This does truly come from a genuine place of caring about you, but it’s important that you help him work through his past hurts to learn to trust a bit more in the future – for both of your sakes.

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So, do you or anyone you know have any types of these overprotective boyfriends? If you do, it’s not all bad… unless it’s the aggressive one, in which case you need to run. Otherwise, many guys are open to learning and growing in a relationship, but it’s always important to firmly set your boundaries if his behavior makes you uncomfortable. We all like to protect things we love and care about, but there’s a fine line between caring and crazy. If you have any stories about this topic, please share them with us in the comments! So there you have it 7 types of overprotective boyfriends.

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