7 Signs Your Crush Secretly Likes You

Person A meets Person B. Person A thinks Person B is super-hot, really funny, smart, and the real deal. Person A and B may be acquaintances or friends, but Person A really wants to be more than that. Does Person B feel the same way? Tell us, B! Actually, given this video’s title, I think you are Person A, so lets’ get to the bottom of this together. Here are 7 signs your crush secretly likes you. Make sure to tick off at least 4 before you go professing your love for them.

1. They add you on social media even if you don’t talk.

Have you ever heard of someone across the globe with few followers on social media and decided to add them for no reason? No? Well then, you’re normal. We add people online because we know them or because we want to know more about them. Unless this person is investigating you for some sort of crime, if you don’t speak to them and they add you on IG, TikTok, or whatever platform, they want to know more about you. This usually means there’s some sort of physical or emotional attraction going on, or that there could be one in the future. One of my closest friends got married in June and her now-husband decided to shoot his shot via Instagram DM. How’s that for a crush that worked out well?

Check out: How to know if a guy likes you through texting

2. They respond to your Instagram stories.

Speaking of social media, if you’re someone who uses it fairly often to post about your life adventures, someone who is crushin’ on you back will likely respond to at least a few of your stories. They may start just with the heart response, laughing face, or another emoji, or get gutsy and actually type out a response. They may not necessarily flirt straight away, but this is the first step to putting themselves on your radar.

3. They invite you to group hangouts but act like it isn’t important.

Ah, the casual invite. I’m sure you’ve heard or experienced this at some point. You’re in a group and this person is making plans. You aren’t necessarily in the middle of these plans, but you’re literally within the group, so they look to you and say, “You can come if you want.” This invite will never sound over-excited or emotional. That’s because this person – if they are crushing on you – doesn’t want their crush to become public yet.

4. They ask what you think when they change their style.

If your crush suddenly changes their style and asks you about it, they’re probably crushing on you too. A change of style could be a haircut or showing off a new accessory, outfit, or pair of shoes. This happened to me when my old work crush – who definitely knew I liked him – got a new haircut and openly asked me what I thought about it. This kind of situation usually happens if you tend to give your crush compliments. Let’s say you often tell them they look nice or compliment their clothes. Then, they suddenly make a change and you don’t say anything. They might fish for a compliment to see if you like the change or not. News flash – the only person who cares about your opinion is a person who secretly cares about you.

Check out: How to get your crush to notice you

5. They comment on something new about you.

On the flip side, if your crush likes you back, they may also comment about any changes you make. This could be a compliment or just a simple observation, but the point is that they notice. The same work crush I mentioned a minute ago was not romantic. I liked him for his looks, not his sensitivity, what can I say? Anyway, if I did my makeup special or had my hair a certain way, he might have asked something like, “Are you dressed for a date later?” or “Are you coming from somewhere special?” Not much of a direct-compliment guy, but it was enough for me to know he was noticing me.

6. They find excuses to talk to you.

You might only run into them once a week or see them in an office every day, but this person always finds a way to chat with you. Their secret is making it seem natural and slick. They don’t just approach you to say what’s up; instead, they have a reason that makes complete sense and requires your response every time. One kid from my high school who I knew had a crush on me used to do this perfectly. If he wasn’t asking me about the upcoming football game or inquiring about where my friend was at the time, he had some other reason up his sleeve. I’ve got to say, though, that we became friends through all of his inquiries. Guess he was doing something right.

7. They notice your absence.

Another surefire sign your crush likes you back is when they notice you’re not there. For this to happen, you’ve got to see your crush daily or weekly either at school, the gym, work, the coffee shop, or wherever else you frequent routinely. If you’re sick one day or your schedule changes for whatever reason, a crush who likes you back will follow up. They may comment on your absence the next time they see you or, if they have your contact info, they may reach out to you that same day to make sure everything’s alright.

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Remember, your crush has to crush – pun intended – at least 4 of these signs before you can be sure they like you back. Of course, there are more obvious signs, like openly flirting with you or asking you if you’re single, but I think you guys recognize those non-secretive signs without saying. So, how many signs have you ticked off for your crush?

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