7 Signs the Universe Wants You to Be with Someone

Human beings can make their own decisions, for better or for worse, but sometimes there are signs from the universe pointing us to our best possible option. We all have things like gut feelings, intuition, and judgment calls, and they’re all connected to the universe and living our best lives. If you’re into someone or just considering whether you could be with them or not, it’s time to look out for these 7 signs the universe wants you to be with someone. Save yourself the headache of trial-and-error and figure out if this person should really be in your life, or not.

1. They reach out to you when you think about them.

We’ve all had a time when someone was on our mind and then – poof! – they suddenly reach out to us at that same moment. Coincidence? One time, maybe. More than once and it becomes a sign from the universe. It’s apparent that there’s a connection between you and this person that supersedes basic explanation. The universe sees that this person is on your mind and apparently, you’re on theirs, so you’re pushed together in those special moments.

Check out: 10 Signs someone is constantly thinking about you

2. Other people mention them to you.

Whether this person has been on your mind a lot or not – although, if you’re watching this video, they probably have – you’ll be surprised if other people start to mention this person to you. This sign is even stronger if you never told anyone that you were interested in said person. I used to have a crush on this guy from work and kept it to myself. Lo and behold when suddenly it felt like he was mentioned everywhere – even by someone I had no idea was a friend in common. If you hear a friend or acquaintance ask you about this person, mention that they’ve seen them, or just bring them up randomly in conversation, it isn’t random; this is yet another sign from the universe pushing you towards that person.

3. You dream about them.

There are plenty of psychological theories about why we dream, but dream interpretation has always been a bit elusive. No matter what you believe about dreams, it’s obvious that our waking thoughts influence them. I mean, have you ever watched a scary movie or seen something specific on your phone before bed just to have that incorporated into your dream? The same happens when someone is on your mind – be it consciously or even in your subconscious.

I used to dream about my ex a lot after we broke up, which was pretty darn annoying. But during this time, he also ended up reaching out to me, and we did get back together for some time. Was it a good idea? Maybe not, but I learned from it and it brought me to where I am now. The point is, if you dream about them, especially in a romantic or tight-knit way, you are considering being with this person. Add in a few other signs from this list and the universe is on your side.

Check out: What does it mean when you dream about someone constantly?

4. You keep running into them.

If you met this person at the gym, it’s not a sign to see them every day at the same time at the gym. If you met at the gym but run into them at the library, grocery store, and your local post office, that’s a different story. My friend Liam used to crush on this girl from his hometown, but he ended up moving to New York for work and they lost touch. Wouldn’t you know it that one day he’s riding the subway and – bam! – there’s the girl sitting across from him. Turns out she accepted a short-term contract in the city and just like that they got their chance to start dating. Unless this person is stalking you, if you keep running into them, it’s a sign.

5. You feel like you’re meant for one another.

Gut feelings and intuition are our way of connecting to the universe. After all, feelings and our consciousness are what makes us unique as human beings. Sometimes you just know, and there’s no rational explanation behind it. If you’ve had these thoughts for a while and truly feel that you’re meant to be with this person, it may be the universe backing up your intuition.

6. You’re not interested in wasting time.

Doubts also work with the universe to block us from things we shouldn’t get into. You may have entertained other guys or girls in the past to have fun or pass the time, but you’ve reached a point where you’re just not interested in wasting any time. This happened to me in my mid to late-20s when I realized I was looking for the real-deal, serious thing. This strong feeling aligned with the universe and I met a guy who truly fit my needs and outlook on life.

7. You are both on the same path.

A huge sign that the universe wants you to be with someone is when they just click within your life. I don’t mean that they just get along well with you – this could happen with literally millions of people – I’m talking about someone fitting in with your lifestyle, your long-term goals, and your day-to-day schedule. It may sound wild to some young people, but love itself isn’t enough. You need to be on the same path as your partner or else the same universe will end up tearing you two apart.

Check out: 10 Signs the universe is telling you to make a move


So, how many of these signs does that certain person tick off? If the universe is on your side, let me know in the comments! If not, take it with a grain of salt. You never know who else the universe is going to bring into your life… and you might be excited to find out. So there you have it 7 signs the universe wants you to be with someone.

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