7 Signs He Finds You Attractive

7 Signs He Finds You Attractive 

Unless you’re a famous supermodel, you probably don’t hear how beautiful you are a million times a day from random people. Your mom’s compliments don’t count. Even if you are confident that you are one lovely individual on the outside, it is a hard truth that the inside matters. You wouldn’t buy a beautiful house full of rats, now would you? What’s on the inside is just as important. This concept is the same with attraction. You might meet a super-hot guy, but as soon as he opens his mouth, he becomes cringe-worthy. What a loss. Or, in the opposite situation, there might be someone who was pretty average-looking but had a way with words. Suddenly 2 points hotter, right? Qualities and personalities are important. So, here are 7 signs he finds you attractive, for more than just your pretty face.

1. You’re 100% comfortable in your own skin.

A genuine person is hard to come across nowadays. Too many people seem to be trying to be someone they’re not, or putting up a show to be noticed. A real guy will be attracted to you for being 100% you. This removes any games in getting to know you, and it exhibits confidence that not everyone has. A really important part of a healthy life is being able to love yourself and be yourself around others. If you have this quality, it’s immediately attractive! It’s like comparing artificial orange juice with fresh-squeezed. Everyone would probably prefer the fresh orange juice, the one we know is 100% real and refreshing. You’re like the freshly squeezed orange juice when you’re 100% you.

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2. You respect others.

When we were young we probably have all learned that we should treat others how we want to be treated. It is a foundational rule of thumb that holds true even decades later. It goes hand in hand with, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” If you were able to internalize these quotes and respect others as human beings, then congratulations, you are a good person. And I don’t say that sarcastically – not everyone respects others. This is an attractive quality that will bring other respectful people into your circle. If a guy isn’t respectful, he won’t be attracted to this quality in you… and you don’t need any disrespectful guys in your life either.

3. You have a cute smile and laugh that you don’t even know about.

Laughter is the best medicine, and it’s also a great way to bond with others. Each of us has a laugh as unique as our fingerprints. When someone begins to be attracted to us, all of the positive moments we share are vital. This is when you exhibit your happiness, your cute smile, and – yes – even that snorty piglet laughs of yours. All of these qualities may be things that you don’t pay attention to, or that you’re even embarrassed about, but when someone is attracted to you this plays a huge part in growing your connection.

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4. You’re passionate about something that he’s also passionate about.

Passion is wonderful. Passion is sexy. Passion is fire on a cold night. Passion is when we are so dedicated to a cause that it shows in our face, our voice, and our actions. If you and a certain guy can overlap in something that you’re passionate about, this is an instant emotional attraction. It shows that you have overlapping values and interests. Not to mention that this provides endless conversations and activities that you two can do together. Passion is attractive on its own, but if you combine it with the fact that you both share it for the same reason… Bam, super-attraction!

5. You actually care about others. (High emotional intelligence)

Let’s go back and remember that a pretty face does not equal a good person. A good person is someone who cares about others, who is able to be understanding and empathize, and communicate in a healthy and positive way. These are all parts of having high emotional intelligence, or high emotional IQ. It’s part maturity and part personality. You can be a gorgeous supermodel, but if you kick and scream when you don’t get your way, no one is going to care about a perfect face. When you genuinely care about others, it opens the door so that he can genuinely care about you.

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6. You’re pretty adventurous.

Have you ever held a conversation with an attractive person who didn’t have anything to talk about? It’s pretty boring, right? Variety is the spice of life, and this is true in both conversations and day to day activities. We all have enough boring in our lives. We have routine and repetition. What catches his attention is the adventures. If this is something you naturally do, then you’re instantly more attractive to him.

7. You’re a mystery.

There’s a reason that scientists are always exploring more of space and the ocean floor. We don’t know what’s out there, and we want to know more. Curiosity is a natural human feeling. While it’s important to be honest, there’s also no need to put all of your business out there. Keep some information private until the right moment brings is out. It’s okay to keep a few surprises in your pocket. A little wondering will have this guy wandering way closer to you than ever before.

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So, there you have it. You could be way more attractive than just your appearance. If you can overlap on some of these attractive signs with a particular guy, rest assured that he will be flying to you like a bee to its honey. Plus, being attracted to someone for their inner qualities are things that will hold true for years to come. Faces wrinkle, but your laugh and personality are forever. We are all looking for people who complement us and fit in well with our lives. At the end of the day, the most important part is to be yourself, and if you are, the right guy will be into you for the right reasons. There you have it 7 signs he finds you attractive.

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