40 Amazing Psychological Facts About a Relationship

From raging hormones to chemical imbalances in the brain, we truly don’t realize how much is going on psychologically when we interact with others. That’s why I’m hoping today you can learn from these 40 cool and amazing psychological facts about a relationship!

  1. Falling in love is a lot like being addicted to a drug. It activates the same part of the brain and causes reactions similar to those of people on cocaine.
  2. Love is three things in one: lust, attraction, and attachment. If you’re missing one or two components, your relationship isn’t likely to last.
  3. Cuddling with your partner will make you happier due to the release of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin.
  4. Butterflies in your tummy are caused by adrenaline.
  5. Love can make you lose weight and lose sleep. High levels of dopamine and norepinephrine are released when you’re in love, potentially causing breaks in sleep and eating patterns.
  6. Love can decrease pain. One study at Stanford had participants receive electric shocks while looking at a photo. Those who looked at a photo of a loved one rated their pain as less than those who looked at a photo of an acquaintance.
  7. After a good make-out session, the other person’s DNA will be in your mouth for at least an hour.
  8. Romantic love will always end. After about 18 months, the lovey-dovey, butterflies love usually calms down into a deep attachment phase that can continue for a lifetime.
  9. Spending more time with someone will likely mean you pick up some of their habits.
  10. The love hormone can keep your bad memories around longer because it improves social memory. The plus side is that it can also preserve positive ones!
  11. Your heart doesn’t fall in love. The brain is responsible for the feelings and giddiness you experience while in love; however, when love is broken, your heart can actually feel the effects in the next fact.
  12. A broken heart is a real medical diagnosis called takotsubo cardiomyopathy. It’s caused by extreme emotional or physical stress.
  13. Women are more attracted to detail-oriented men.
  14. Depressed people speak with long pauses and break up their sentences.
  15. When you start to dislike someone, all of their behaviors will start to irk you. Ever notice how a couple suddenly seems to hate each other after they break up?
  16. It only takes four minutes to decide if you like someone. Talk about the importance of first impressions!
  17. Falling in love can take only seconds. Of course, getting to know someone a bit better will help that love stick around.
  18. Men fall in love faster and fall harder than women. Contrary to popular belief, women take more time than men to fall in love.
  19. Seeing a picture of someone you love can benefit your health by lowering stress and increasing feelings of happiness.
  20. Your outfit can change your behavior. Think about that next time you’re picking an outfit for a date or an interview.
  21. Couples in love are more likely to make more eye contact. And more eye contact is more likely to trigger feelings of love – it’s the perfect cycle!
  22. It’s harder to lie to someone you’re sexually attracted to.
  23. Love makes you do dumb things because it temporarily turns off the prefrontal cortex of the brain.
  24. Two people in love may have matching heartbeats. Heartbeat synchronization has also been shown to happen after couples made eye contact for three minutes.
  25. Most people end up with someone who is just as attractive as they are.
  26. Women are more attracted to wealthy men over handsome ones. Security seems to beat attraction on this one.
  27. Dating someone who is exactly like you could doom your relationship. The best relationships also have some differences so the partners can learn from one another.
  28. People prefer nice faces over nice bodies when it comes to long-term relationships.
  29. Holding hands relieves stress.
  30. You’re more likely to remember something you write down and say out loud. You remember it even more if you teach the concept to someone important to you.
  31. Appreciating your partner immediately improves your relationship.
  32. When you’re attracted to someone, your pupils dilate. According to Darwin, this also makes you more attractive to them.
  33. Eye contact promotes love. One study found that people rated assigned partners much higher after just a few minutes of gazing into each other’s eyes – even though they didn’t speak!
  34. Those with hypopituitarism may be incapable of feeling the emotions associated with love.
  35. Cheaters and liars tend to think everyone behaves as they do. That’s why you’ll find most people like this to be controlling and suspicious in relationships with no motive.
  36. People who talk to themselves tend to be smarter and have higher IQs.
  37. Falling in love releases similar chemicals and hormones as having OCD. That might explain why some of us start to act strangely.
  38. There is a diagnosable fear of losing the one you love. Thanatophobia is when you can’t stop thinking and fearing either your own death or the death of someone you care about.
  39. You’re more likely to be attracted to someone who you can’t be with.
  40. Falling in love reduces neuroticism, which is the disposition of experiencing anxiety, emotional instability, depression, and self-consciousness.

How’s that for a good fun-fact session?

If you have time, check out: 10 Psychological facts that will blow your mind

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