20 Questions to Ask a Girl to Get to Know Her

Today I’m here to talk about the best questions to ask a girl to get to know her. We’re skipping all the basic, interview Qs and getting straight into the good stuff. These are the 20 questions to ask a girl to get to know her – questions to help understand who she is on a deeper level, from her quirks and confusing characteristics to the things she loves, can’t stand, and everything in between. Let’s dive in!

1. Do you have any conspiracy theories?

This is going to give you quick insight into things like her political, religious, and scientific beliefs all in one go. She might immediately turn away the idea of conspiracies, which points to someone who is a bit more rational and structured, or she may dive into a few topics which show she’s a bit nutty. Let’s see what happens!

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2. What’s the best gift you’ve ever been given?

I love this question because some people will jump at the chance to answer while others will have to think for a few moments to reflect on what it is they truly value in a gift. Whatever she says will be a great insight into things that touch her emotional side, including what she finds to be sentimental or valuable when it comes to gifts.

3. What do people always misunderstand about you?

We all feel misunderstood at one point or another but most of us don’t get the chance to rectify it. This is her opportunity to talk about the things she wishes she could tell others, and you’re lucky enough to get a front-row seat to this secret information.

4. If you kept getting paid but didn’t have to work for a year, what would you do?

This is a fun question because it’s different from the typical “What would you do if you won the lottery?” question. If we won the lottery, we would do a lot of crazy and extravagant things, but if we were making the same amount of money and didn’t have to work, the question is really asking how she would prioritize her free time if she had a lot of it. You’ll learn about what she truly loves and wants to spend time doing.

5. What’s included in your idea of the perfect day?

If this girl could have one perfect day, what would it encompass? You’ll learn what makes her relax and enjoy life in one short answer.

6. What’s on your bucket list this year?

Asking someone about their bucket list, in general, is fine, but asking about their bucket list this year puts pressure on them to share about a goal they have in mind. This person might not have thought it through, but this is a gentle shove in the right direction to help them pursue their dreams while also sharing them with you.

7. If you knew you’d die one year from now, would you change anything about your day-to-day, and why?

I would only ask this question once you have established more trust with this person so you don’t sound like you’re planning to kill her, but it’s a great way to find out what she doesn’t like about her life right now. This is how you can learn to support her as she moves away from those negative aspects.

8. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

Any person – especially the funny guy in the room – should ask this question to make sure they avoid breaching uncomfortable, sensitive, or inappropriate topics with this girl… at least, if you want to maintain some sort of friendship or relationship with her and avoid awkward road bumps.

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9. Your house is on fire.

Your pets and loved ones escape. You can go back in and save one item – what is it? Get into the nitty-gritty to learn what physical item she values above all else and why.
10. What’s your greatest accomplishment? Watch her face light up as she tells you about one of the best moments in her life. You’ll learn what fuels her passion and what makes her feel important.

11. If you could suddenly gain a realistic quality or ability, what would it be?

Superpowers are awesome, but none of us are realistically going to wake up with the ability to be invisible anytime soon. This question puts a realist perspective on it by seeing where her insecurities lie. Whatever she mentions is a quality she thinks she lacks. For example, if I say that I wish I could suddenly gain the ability of public speaking, this means that I am not a good public speaker and it’s something that I wish I could improve on.

12. Could you tell me your life story in just three minutes?

Posing this challenge will force her to sum up her life into the most important aspects – at least, most important to her. You’ll be able to learn about what she’s into, her family, or her hobbies in less time than it takes you to watch this video.

13. What did your last relationship teach you?

We’re all curious about this person’s ex – let’s be real – so here’s how you can ask without straight-up asking. She’ll share something, either good or bad, that gives you insight as to what went on in her romantic past.

14. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for love?

As another sneak peek into how she is as a girlfriend, you can learn about the lengths she’ll go to for someone she loves.

15. What’s your life motto?

Some people may not have an answer for this one, but if she’s a good sport she’ll come up with something. Whether she steals Nike’s “Just do it” slogan or invents her own, it’ll show her the perspective she tries to have every day.

16. When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush?

Adrenaline-filled memories are the ones we look back on the most. She’ll tell you about something either super exciting or super scary that she’s been through.

17. If a crystal ball could tell you your future or the truth about your life, what would you want to know?

This could either be dark or really light-hearted, but it’s going to uncover what worries her about the future. For example, if you had a crystal ball and wanted to know where you’d end up professionally, this means that you may be a bit preoccupied with where you are in your career right now or where you’re going. On the other hand, you may find out that she’s a go-with-the-flow light-hearted individual who would rather not know anything about her future at all.

18. When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?

People tend to smile ear to ear when asked this, which makes the conversation that much more enjoyable. Learn what makes her laugh and you’ll have a good shot of being the reason she smiles next time.

19. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you repeat it?

If you ask this you’ll quickly learn about her capacity for craziness, including her level of risk-taking and where she draws the line.

20. What’s something weird that you recommend everyone tries at least once?

Too many of us don’t try new things because we’re scared or intimidated, so it’s cool if she can recommend something she took a chance on. Take her recommendation to heart and see if she’d like to try it again with you!

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These 20 questions will help you discover the ins and outs of this girl that few people get to see. Be sure to ask them in conversation, though, and remember that it isn’t an interview – you’ve got to share about yourself too!

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