11 Things You Didn’t Know That Are Gross
Did you know that there are some things you do that might be consider gross? Or maybe just filthy overall. Here are 11 gross things that you do without knowing.
1. Let’s start off with this one. Did you know that you can produce as much as 2 liters of saliva per day, which protects your mouth from bacteria and decay? Just imagine the idea of a 2-liter soda bottle of saliva. Uuhh yah.
Source: UC Berkeley
2. A U.K survey found single men only change their sheets every 3 months, and 49% of them thought that was okay. I’m a guy and it’s not okay.
Source: The Daily News
3. You know those 3 holes in the bowling balls? Yeah, after you finish eating your greasy pizza or fries. You probably just stick your fingers in them and just play. You know that people usually don’t clean those holes, right?
Source: Thought Catalog
4. Hot tubs will kill germs, right? Maybe you should rethink that. All of your dead skin cells fall off when you sit in a hot tub, your pores open and all the dead skin cells from strangers will float into your body. Next time, when you hop into a hot tub, think about how many strangers have gone in it. So, did I ruin it for you yet?
5. Fungi like candida and dermatophyte can easily live on your testicles if you have unprotected sex or poor hygiene. So next time maybe consider wrapping it up or washing it with soap.
Source: Healthline
6. I can bet that you probably have drug money on you. The U.S. money contains more trace amount of cocaine and other drugs than any other currency-and 94% of $1 bills have disease-causing bacteria on them.
Source: NBC News
7. Are you cleaning your dishes with E. Coli? Because researchers have found up to 54 billion bacteria per cubic centimeter on used kitchen sponges, including E. coli, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, and Salmonella. So how are you going to do your dishes tonight? Oh yeah, just a side note, there’s about 1,500 germs on each square centimeter of your hands. Maybe Consider washing your hand more often
Source: Discovery
8. Do you think your dog has a cleaner mouth than humans? You think it’s okay for your pooch to lick your face, right? Dogs’ mouths are hosts to bacteria and viruses that can clean their own wounds but aren’t meant for humans. Although I’m telling you this, you’re probably still going to make out with your dog.
Source: New York Times
9. Every time you flush, a fine mist of water rises that’s invisible to the naked eye. And some of it ends up on that uncovered toothbrush you put in your mouth. To prevent that, you could put the lid over it every time you flush.
Source: Business Insider
10. Did you know that one in six phones have fecal matter on them and cellphones have 18 times more bacteria than public restrooms. So maybe consider wiping your cellphone down once in a while.
Source: Phone Soap
11. Now this might be gross, but it has its health benefits. Eating boogers has been found to prevent bacteria from sticking to your teeth and can even help defend against respiratory infections. Now for those who do it, props to you. You know your thing.
Source: The Telegraph
If you’re interested, check out: 15 crazy sex facts that no one told you about
Ahhh the bowling balls got me. I never thought about that! Now I can imagine people just bowling and eating and bowling again. Eating away the germs.
@Timmy Yep it happens!