10 Signs It’s Time To Let Someone Go

When we are in the zone, it’s hard to know when it’s time to give up. This is also true when it comes to relationships. There are plenty of signs it’s time to let someone go, but do they realize those signs? Sometimes people grow apart naturally over time. Other times everyone but them can see that they should have separated ages ago. No matter what your case is, if you find that you’re affected by at least four of these signs or more, it might be time to let that person go and move on. And here’s 10 I’ll be talking about.

1. Your life plans don’t match up.

If you’re planning to be a research scientist on Antarctica while they are committed to being President of a country with no ability to have a long-distance relationship, all the care in the world couldn’t make that relationship happen. Caring is sweet and beautiful, but caring isn’t enough. Long-term goals and plans need to align in order for a relationship to pass the test of time. If you are both set on what you want and the circumstances can’t include your relationship, it may be time to let each other go.

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2. Your needs aren’t being met.

No one will meet all of your needs. But a good person will listen to what you need and try to adjust accordingly. It’s called love and consideration. If you’ve already voiced your needs multiple times and nothing happens, this person either can’t meet them or they just don’t care enough. Either way, it’s time to accept that those needs will always be neglected or choose to walk the other way.

3. No one is putting in the effort.

Relationships aren’t 50-50, they are 100-100. Each person should be putting in 100% effort as often as they can. We all have off days and difficult times, but at the end of the day, your relationship should be a priority. If you’ve found that neither of you can be bothered to put in the work to either fix or maintain the relationship, think about why is that? Perhaps there are other parts of your life that you should focus on instead, to be happier… alone.

4. You’re happier apart.

If you’re frustrated or feel down by just the thought of seeing them, there are definitely some negative vibes about this relationship. You may feel drained around them or even stuck. If you’re happier with friends, family, at work, or even alone than you are spending time with this person, it’s time to think about why you spend any time with them at all in the first place. This is one of the strong signs that it’s time to let someone go.

5. You feel like normal friends.

Tons of relationships start off through friendships. And most relationships end up becoming your best friend. That’s natural and good. What isn’t good is if you just feel like normal friends, the ones you just talk to once in a blue moon. On the other hand, if this is your partner and there’s little affection, love, or attraction between the two of you, you have to ask yourself if you might be better off as just friends.

6. There’s a lack of trust.

Whether you’re in a relationship or not, trust is big. Even from a business standpoint, it’s big. When there’s a lack of trust, there’s disrespect. And when there’s disrespect, the relationship is ruined. Why would you want to keep someone who’s always disrespecting you and always being a flake? You don’t. You let them go.

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7. You feel forced to be together.

If you feel forced to be together, then it’s your feelings talking, unless the other person is literally forcing you, which would be wrong and probably illegal to do. And the reasons why you might be together is because you both have some unwritten obligations like maybe family and friends won’t like it if you both part ways, or that you have kids and it’s hard to split up. I’m just saying. But at the end of the day, if you aren’t happy, aren’t you wasting your time? Also, is someone really forcing you to be together?

8. You feel like they don’t support you.

This person should be supportive or be around the corner to cheer you on. If they don’t support your dreams and endeavors, they aren’t fulfilling one of the basic requirements of being that friend, best friend, or partner. Talk to them about it and reconsider your feelings towards them if they’re unreceptive.

9. You’re full of resentment.

Forgiving and forgetting are not as easy as it sounds. Sometimes it’s just not possible when you’re constantly seeing the person who hurt you. This could cause ongoing resentment which would destroy any relationship. If you feel you have a resentment you cannot let go of, it may be worth letting go of that person so that you can heal. You never know, you may be able to reconnect in the future once you’re ready.

10. You fight more than you talk.

Everything is a fight and everything they do bothers you. Fighting more than communicating is a clear sign that it might be time to let each other go. This is particularly true if you have tried to come together and solve the issue, but you both just end up fighting. You’ve both reached an impasse and it’s going nowhere. Maybe it’s time to take a break?

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Overall, letting go of someone might be hard, but if you weigh your pros and cons and the cons outweigh the pros, then it might be a good thing. So then you don’t have to deal with all the stress that comes your way whenever you see or talk to this person. And if this person is really affecting your life and your happiness, then it’s no doubt that it’s time to let them go. So there you have it 10 signs it’s time to let someone go.

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