If she touches your chest and bites her lip while looking at you, she’s obviously flirting with you. I’m just telling you that now because that’s a two-hit combo you can’t miss. Now you might be thinking what about the flirting signs that girls do that guys always miss? You know, the little things that might seem casual to you, but that she’s actually doing to get your attention. And no, flirting doesn’t always have to be talking. So let’s go over 10 of these signs and if she’s doing more than half of these things, then she’s flirting with you.
1. She gives him likes on social media.
The most common type of flirting on social media is giving you a string of likes on your post. You know when they go back to your old post and like every single one of them, and your notification will only be from them. Yeah, I’m talking about that. If you see that, then she’s flirting with you because why else would she go back to your old post to do that?
Check out: How to tell if a girl likes you over text
2. Doing things that he likes to do.
This girl might be verbal about her hobbies and interests and, surprise, surprise, her interests perfectly align with yours! If she publicizes these interests on social media, then this sign is even clearer. The more recent her interest in the hobby, the more likely her actual interest is in you. It’s a flirty way to get closer to you.
3. Posting romantic quotes on her stories.
How many times have you tapped past a story because it’s just some quote or reposted poem? Most of the time, right because it’s too long to read? Haha. Sometimes girls post stuff like that if they relate to them. If she’s posting about love, she’s either feeling those emotions or wants to. Do know that this sign is only flirting if you two have already been talking, though. If you’ve never said hi to her in your life, she probably isn’t posting for you.
4. Laughing at his not-so-funny jokes.
Unless you’re a comedian, then your humor probably isn’t that good. I’m kidding, my humor sucks. We might crack good jokes now and again, but most of them are only worth a giggle, right? If this girl laughs at all of your jokes as if she’s getting paid to laugh, she’s after more than just your knock-knock jokes. This is especially true if you’re not the class clown of your group. And laughing is indeed a way of flirting. This is one of the common flirting signs that girls do that guys always miss.
Check out: How to tell if a girl is flirting with you
5. She asks for his company.
Guys often overlook it when a girl asks them to go somewhere with them. Honestly, if the girl isn’t inviting the guy to her house, he probably rolls his eyes at the idea of walking her anywhere. I mean, girls can walk themselves, can’t they? Yes, they can. That’s the point. If she’s asking you to walk her to her car, to go get a drink, go outside, or anywhere else, she just wants some alone time with you.
6. Looking at him from across the room, looking away, then looking at him again.
They say that three seconds of eye contact is enough to make a person remember you. It sounds short, but staring at someone for three seconds is pretty intense. To not be a creep, a girl might instead do the double-take to get your attention. When she looks at you, looks away, then looks back soon after, she’s checking to see if you’ve noticed her as much as she noticed you.
7. Sarcastic comments about how awful he is.
Female friends can bag on guys just as badly as their counterparts. The difference is the goal. If a girl bags on you in her sarcastic tone, she’s obviously joking with you. So, if she says, “Haha, you’re the absolute worst” and then rolls her eyes, then she’s insinuating that to her you’re actually pretty cool. How’s that for flirting?
Check out: 8 Things girls do to get your attention
8. When she approaches him first.
The first move is a bold move. This flirting sign doesn’t mean she stays long to talk afterward. She might go up to a guy and just say hey, ask him a question, or even chat for a bit before stepping away. The important part is that she walked up first. She showed she noticed you, decided you were worth the effort and put herself out there for you to see and meet. In this case, she is opening up the door for you to make the next move.
9. Correcting her posture in front of him.
When we are attracted to someone else, we do both conscious and unconscious things to try and attract them back. From smiling playfully to leaning forward, body language says it all. If you notice a girl making adjustments to your posture in front of you, she’s trying to be as presentable as she can to make a good impression on you. If you notice your posture is top-notch, she might also be mirroring you. This is yet another thing people do when they want to relate more with the person in front of them.
10. Dressing up around him.
Another part of being presentable is style. A girl who dresses to the nines around a certain guy is trying to stand out from any other girl in the room. This could include wearing makeup to casual events or putting on clothes that accentuate her body type. Do remember that girls don’t only dress up for men, but if you catch her on a day when she didn’t expect to see you and she looks completely different, then this sign is for you!
Related: Do this now to see if she likes you (7 Things to do now)
And again, flirting is more than just talking. As you can tell, some signs are low-key and it doesn’t require talking at all. And if you’re a guy reading this, you might want to keep a look at if she does a majority of these signs or not. So there you have it 10 flirting signs that girls do that guys always miss.